meara is right, Nora. GF and I put 5% down. Our place has doubled in value in the two years we've lived here. Getting in a home isn't as daunting as it first seems, at least that was my experience and I live in LA where housing costs make my head hurt.
ETA that Jen is right as well.
Thanks P-C.
This is cutted and pasted from an editing of my previous message cause I edited after P-C saw I think...
If someone doesn't want their tag change acknowledged, I need to know so I won't do it.
You know, I was thinking of going through a lot of personal/emotional/theraputic tags recently (didn't as it turned out) and was going to just send you a quick note to ignore for the duration. So, for me, this is a good solution. If I don't want them mentioned, I would let you know.
Also I need a new tag. It feels like it is time. Now I just need to be inspired.
My sistah in beach strolling. I walked a half hour on the beach this morning for the first time in about forever. It was wonderful, not cold though.
It was gorgeous. I just watched the waves and felt a lot better. And Laura, you are my sistah in much! Which makes me happy.
Jess, Snapfish wants me to sign up. Are they good about the non-spamming thing?
Oh, I didn't realize. I've never gotten any spam from them, though.
Unwieldy how, though?
Just that it's big and long in comparison to a poster's name. It's a way cool feature, though, and I use it when I don't care as much about formatting.
Nora, all it means is you'll pay PMI on the percent...Urgh to find the words.
If you put down 20%, you don't typically have to pay PMI. If you put down let's say 15%, you might have to pay PMI (depends on the first time buyer program), but only on 5%, and once you've got 20% equity in your home, the PMI is usually canceled.
Oh, gotcha, P-C. I fear no wield.
"... Little Jackie paper loved that rascal Puff, and brought him strings and Sealing Wax, and other fancy stuff."
You know, I was thinking of going through a lot of personal/emotional/theraputic tags recently (didn't as it turned out) and was going to just send you a quick note to ignore for the duration. So, for me, this is a good solution. If I don't want them mentioned, I would let you know.
Thanks. Really, if you don't want me to mention it, then please tell me. Because otherwise my solution would be to stop doing it altogether to avoid hurting people, and I know there are some people who do enjoy it.
P-C, you can skip mentioning my tag changes too.
Oh, I didn't realize. I've never gotten any spam from them, though.
You can also *cough* lie blatently to them and get in...
God those are great pictures. And did we all realize/remember/really really remember how gorgeous Jess is? Cause she is.