Wow. My towels will never, ever dry. Ever.
ION, it's fun having the day off with the apartment to myself. Besides being productive, I have:
-Taken a pile of shirts hot out of the dryer and buried myself in them on the couch.
-Sung along with 'Do You Realize?' by The Flaming Lips at the top of my lungs.
-Watched Ren and Stimpy and danced to 'Happy Happy Joy Joy' in my underwear.
-Had lengthy discussions with the cat.
Time alone can be fun.
Or, reading that back, maybe a little sad.
You are having a much better day than I am.
Wow. My towels will never, ever dry. Ever.
Towels produce a lot of lint. If they have been going more than a half hour, stop the dryer,clean the lint trap, and restart. Er obviously I'm assuming you are not hanging them on a line.
You are having a much better day than I am.
Ditto. I'm glad
Jessica has a new tag.
Can someone explain to me how a loan works? Like, what the interest rate actually means? Apparently, the federal student loan has an interest rate of about 3%, and my tuition is $13,600. Does that mean that it costs 3% of that every month until I pay it back? Cause that seems ridiculously ridiculous, with the thousands of dollars and all. But maybe that's life.
My to do list has gotten longer. And now I don't want to do anything left on it. Although, in my defense, I've done a lot today. One of my items was an icky two-hour errand and another was dealing with three more people at the awful insurance company. So, go me!
Hec, I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow. Just thought I should let you know. Also, I'm going to pick up some copper blond [link] to dye my hair. I'm all excited. I haven't had reddish hair for a while. It'll be fun!
Now that I'm all caught up on Bitches, someone make me go get back to work. Actually, I think I may try to call my friend that I got a Christmas letter from today. She's got five kids. They've always kinda been my babies. I babysat all five of them from infancy, and now one of them is 5'10"! How did that go and happen???
Oh, PC! Emily wanted me to ask (well, and I want to know too), would you be interested in coming down to Troy on Saturday the 22nd? We'll be there, but pretty much just for the day.
Oh! Ooh. Huh. I don't see why not, since I have no plans that I know of. I actually have a friend who lives in Troy. Maybe I can work something out. I have no transportation of my own.
Does that mean that it costs 3% of that every month until I pay it back?
You pay the (average daily balance of what you owe) x (the interest rate) x (days between payments).
I can do money math. Now if I could only spin straw into gold, I'd be able to afford to buy a house.