It's so nice to read of people's years. The nice ones let me know that not
had crummy years, and hence that there must be hope. The crummy ones let me know that mine is not the only year that sucked, and gave me hope that life may improve for all of us. Yes, this past year was horrid, but I feel like I may be coming out of the far side of it.
Plus, buffistas rock. I'm so glad that I found this community. Plus, I, too, want Nora's year for next year. I'm so happy for you, and hope that perhaps your happiness and good fortune is catching.
Aww, Nora...
Also, I went back and read part of the old thread so, aww, Buffistas...
Dear 2004,
Wow. You were a scary, scary year. You were the first full year of us being our own organization, and we did not keel over or go under or any other prepositional activity that means not survive. Thanks for that.
In work, you brought us tons of kids and brought us closer to them. Good, but painful. With you came another suicide and at least one more attempt. I'll never get used to that, and yet, it likely won't be the last. But you brought a lot of joy, too, and many noisy days. You were tiring, but in the end, positive.
In family, you brought us a happy healthy niece and nephew. You saw my "retired" parents working hard but still enjoying their coffee farm in Hawaii. You brought us closer to our family in Indiana, even though the distance is farther.
In friends, you brought news to our dear friends that they had conceived, after many years of trying. Unfortunately, you also brought economic problems and health problems to many of our friends. Shame on you.
In the world scene, well, not so good, 2004. Let's get working on that, shall we?
In personal life, you brought us an eleventh year of wedded bliss. I still don't know how two such lost souls found each other, but I'm so glad we did. Also, you brought us a continued happy Seabiscuit, and a litter of kitties, who after much trauma, have almost all been adopted out.
On the whole, not too damned bad, 2004.
Now about you, 2005.
I expect to see you bring us continued joy in doing what we're supposed to be doing. Hope it's still this, because it's fun to have a job noodling around on the instruments, but if it's not, hope we find out soon and react appropriately.
I hope you're going to be a good 'un for family and friends. Are you listening? Be nice to my Buffistas!
Further, this should be the year for world peace and understanding and the appropriate distribution of power/resources. Okay? And if not, then this should be the year of standing up.
2005, you'd better shape up.
Yrs truly,
I am erika, who is Teppy, who is Sean, who is meara.
Is meara Spartacus?
Me too. Is this like that thing where when you sex with someone you're having sex with everyone he ever had sex with?
I have NOT had sex with Spartacus.
Spartacus had sex?
He must have. He was hanging around with thousands of hunky Roman men. I would have.
I was going to say, if you trust Dalton Trumbo's interpretation, then yes, Spartacus definitely had sex.
I don't have wisdom to speak about 2004 yet. It was a year.