Well, also, I hate Milla Jovovich with the passion of a thousand fiery clambakes.
I can understand indifference to, or not really caring for, but how in the hell could she ever inspire that much hatred?
Of course, I've heard her album, and she does have a damn fine singing voice; very Kate Bush, actually. So I may be pro-biased. The fact that she pulls the crazy while singing? Just icing.
Event Horizon was a great concept (i.e. Solaris as a horror movie), but then they just made an outer space Hellraiser out of it.
I can understand indifference to, or not really caring for, but how in the hell could she ever inspire that much hatred?
Three words -- The Fifth Element.
Sean, your hyphenated enthusiasm is making the board scrolly.
Three words -- The Fifth Element.
Two words -- Bruce Willis.
Two more -- Chris Tucker.
I had no hate left over.
Is that better, Jessica? I edited it, but it never scrolled in my browsers, so I can't tell if I fixed it.
I LOVED the Fifth Element. Mostly because I'm the hugest sucker EVER, actively like Chris Tucker in a dress, don't care one way or the other about Bruce Willis (part-dependent), and saw it late at night.
Three words -- The Fifth Element.
Huh. Found it tacky, Euro-trash fun, and Milla was hardly the most annoying thing in it.
Two words: Chris. Tucker.
Hell, I usually love Gary Oldman, and he was far more obnoxious than Milla. It's a tie between his accent and his hair as far as to what grated most.
eta, and heh on partially word-for-word x-post with ita.
It's still too wide for mine (1024x768). If there were a break after "criteria," it would be perfect.
I had no hate left over.
Lucky for Gary Oldman.
How's it now, Jessica? I'm experimenting with something transparent.
Lucky for Gary Oldman.
OMG. So dead to me since Dracula. Didn't even remember he was in the movie.
I had no hate left over.
Oh, I had some left for Jovovich. That was a god-awful movie. I haven't seen it in nearly seven years and I still remember the hate.
Thanks for fixing my screen-breaking. I had to run out right after making that posts, and didn't see it.
(And I loved Fifth Element, but between AvP, Resident Evil, and Hudson Hawk, it should be pretty obvious that I will occasionally love a movie that has no Earthly reason to be loved)