This causes dueling reactions, here: "Ewwww, gross" and "Did she EVER WASH HER HAND again?"
She's even on the DVD! The funny thing is that she got heat exhaustion standing in line all day, so she spent the day puking into a cup. Though she said she was careful to give him the other hand when he reached for her.
I saw them on Zoo TV and our seats sucked (there was a tee shirt stand in front of us on the field, and we couldn't see over it. There was much anger in our row of reserved seating.).
I sold a crate of CDs to a used CD shop to help pay for the $150 (coughscalpedcough) ticket for PopMart. 15th row. It was worth every penny.
I'm still kicking myself for missing the last tour. I'm bitter at myself.
The funny thing is that she got heat exhaustion standing in line all day, so she spent the day puking into a cup. Though she said she was careful to give him the other hand when he reached for her.
I love rock stories about musicians narrowly escaping vomit....
Damn! That was a lot of posts!
I'm curious to hear what Jilli thinks about Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary.
Heard about the Decemberists the other day and very cool for the Petra Haden association. The only a capella Who Sell Out song I've heard is "Armenia City In The Sky," which is bad-freakin-ass.
I'm curious to hear what Jilli thinks about Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary.
I will post a review the day after it turns up in my mailbox.
Jilli! Did you get that thingamawhozit done that you were supposed to get done?
Jilli! Did you get that thingamawhozit done that you were supposed to get done?
Yes, and I didn't kill ANY cow-orkers, which I think shows real restraint on my part.
Okay, question: chatty!co-worker, who is a music snob and trends toward all things BritPop, told me that Frou Frou is "girlie" music.
I called bullshit and told him it was electronica-esque, which is not what comes to mind when *I* think of "girlie" music.
"Girlie" music has lyrics about flowers and horses and unicorns.
Or not.
Maybe shopping is mentioned....
I only know "Beauty in the Breakdown," but I can see why that song wuld be considered "girly" (for certain values of girly). It has soft, fuzzy edges and a female vocalist, and there's nothing to play air guitar to. It's not macho music, anyhow.
But I don't think "girlie" should be an insult.