Beyonce is being tipped to play frontwoman Effie, the role made famous on Broadway by actress Jennifer Holliday.
Yes, that's right. They're hiring glamour-puss Beyonce to play Effie.
WHEN THE WHOLE POINT OF THE MUSICAL is that Effie is kicked out of the group for not being glamourous enough. In particular, for being too fat.
God knows there aren't any full-bodied black actresses around with name recognition. Nosirree. None that can sing.
Yes, that's right. They're hiring glamour-puss Beyonce to play Effie.
Heh. Most clueless casting since Michelle Pfeiffer in
Frankie and Johnny...
Never in my most fevered dreams, have I considered Joy Division "goth".
Hey, Jilli, have you listened to Kill Hannah yet? They've been touring with H.I.M.
A review in the Boston Globe today describes Lou Barlow as "the godfather of emo". Knowing that he would be completely horrified to hear himself described that way, I forwarded the link to him. I'll let you know if he responds with anything quotable.
That's a pretty boy that got linked to.
People may have already known this, but I heard on the radio this morning that Cream is reuniting for 4 shows in May, at the Royal Albert Hall in London. V. cool.
On a scale of one to 10, how insane is it that I'm only letting myself listen to music on iTunes that I have not already played? Especially when I have 5,437 songs on there, have been doing this since I got my computer back in October, and still have 1,172 songs to go?
I know it's kind of OCD of me, but when I've tried to stop it feels WRONG. I don't wanna neglect any of my music!
LJ, you aren't alone. I've been going through the songs on my iPod in alphabetical order since August. I'm up to song # 6537 of 8412 ("Strong," by Robbie Williams, in case anyone cares).
Glad to know I'm not the only one. Though, I let my iPod just stay on shuffle, or play whatever I feel like playing. It's only with iTunes that I need it to be stuff I haven't played before.
I love that Robbie William song. "When I'm drunk I dance like my dad..."
When I walk/train to work, I have to play songs that I've played before and really like. When I'm working is usually when I audition stuff I haven't heard before.