A review in the Boston Globe today describes Lou Barlow as "the godfather of emo". Knowing that he would be completely horrified to hear himself described that way, I forwarded the link to him. I'll let you know if he responds with anything quotable.
That's a pretty boy that got linked to.
People may have already known this, but I heard on the radio this morning that Cream is reuniting for 4 shows in May, at the Royal Albert Hall in London. V. cool.
On a scale of one to 10, how insane is it that I'm only letting myself listen to music on iTunes that I have not already played? Especially when I have 5,437 songs on there, have been doing this since I got my computer back in October, and still have 1,172 songs to go?
I know it's kind of OCD of me, but when I've tried to stop it feels WRONG. I don't wanna neglect any of my music!
LJ, you aren't alone. I've been going through the songs on my iPod in alphabetical order since August. I'm up to song # 6537 of 8412 ("Strong," by Robbie Williams, in case anyone cares).
Glad to know I'm not the only one. Though, I let my iPod just stay on shuffle, or play whatever I feel like playing. It's only with iTunes that I need it to be stuff I haven't played before.
I love that Robbie William song. "When I'm drunk I dance like my dad..."
When I walk/train to work, I have to play songs that I've played before and really like. When I'm working is usually when I audition stuff I haven't heard before.
I have an "unplayed" playlist, Lyra Jane, and I make myself listen to a couple of songs from it every day.
Who kept telling me I needed to listen to the Dresden Dolls? You were right. I saw the video for "Coin-Operated Boy", listened to a couple more songs via the iTunes store, and bought the CD today.
Pete just complained that he cannot get "Coin-Operated Boy" out of his head and it is driving him craaaaaaazy. I told him it was payback for the Kenya song.
Pete just complained that he cannot get "Coin-Operated Boy" out of his head and it is driving him craaaaaaazy.
It's true. I get it stuck in my head all the time. I think it might be more insidious than the Kenya song.
After I showed him the video (hurrah for the "on demand" cable menu!), he informed me that I am NOT to shave off my eyebrows and draw them on with little swirly lines, no matter how cute I think it is on the girl from Dresden Dolls. He knows me well.