David, since you mentioned Justine F., you now must find me a photo of her from the Car Song video. That was a cool ass video. I want a red vinyl space cutie suit.
Heh. I
the "Car Song" video. I ganked it off 120 Minutes back when it came out. Though Spike did that vid, it's not on his recent collection. Same tape has The Pogues "Fairtale of Christmas" video.
Having googled Justine's image fairly recently, I was surprised at how little there was out there. Let's see what can be found...
Scroll down for Justine...
t drops daid on the floor
I'm a fool for these androgynous girls (see also Carrie Brownstein).
Anyone familiar with The Drexlers? A venue has proposed having them as a co-bill with the group I kind of manage. I hesitate, because usually these things do not go well. I'm still a little twitchy from a co-bill with a group called Small Potatoes, which had a cheery singalong crowd who did not really appreciate Richard Bicknell [link] who sings maybe five songs that could loosely be thought of as cheerful.
Though Spike did that vid, it's not on his recent collection.
Yeah! My GF and I were pissed about that as all we have is an old VHS copy of it as well. Hrmph.
ETA: Dude, Justine is even cuter than I remembered. Thanks for the memories, Hec!
Speaking of Elastica, original member Donna Matthews has a new band called Klang that put out a cool CD last year. A little more laid back and experimental than Elastica.
Hey - Here's a fan site: [link]
Msbelle! I saw Rhett tonight. He did that Francoise Hardy song again. His accent has improved, but I thought of you.
Then I ended up taking a cab back to Brooklyn with his old English teacher . But that's another story.
Justine Frischman (SP?) hot. That is all.
Speaking of drinking songs I missed, how about "Drinkin' On The Job" by the Rainmakers?
The farmer he got plowed
The bricklayer got plastered
The mechanic he got tanked
The construction worker got blasted
And Daddy beat up Mommy and broke her collarbone for good luck
Everybody's drunk
Everybody's wasted
Everybody's drinkin' on the job
The garbageman got trashed
The janitor got messy
The taxi driver got smashed
The waitress she got tipsy
In Kansas City, New York City
Great big city, itty-bitty city
Everybody's drunk
Everybody's wasted
Everybody's drinkin' on the job
There's a whole lot of places that I ain't been
A whole lotta things that I ain't seen
A whole lotta things I'll never be
The generation that would change the world
Is still looking for it's car keys
The terorist got bombed
The President got hit
Security was tight
The Secret Service got lit
Everybody's drunk
Everybody's wasted
Everybody's stoned
And there's nothing that's gonna change it
'Cause everybody's drunk
Everybody's wasted
Everybody's drinkin' on the job