Jayne: What're you gonna tell the others? Mal: About what? Jayne: About why I'm dead. Mal: Hadn't thought about it. Jayne: Make something up. Don't tell 'em what I did.


Buffista Music II: Wrath of Chaka Khan  

There's a lady plays her fav'rite records/On the jukebox ev'ry day/All day long she plays the same old songs/And she believes the things that they say/She sings along with all the saddest songs/And she believes the stories are real/She lets the music dictate the way that she feels.

erinaceous - Jan 30, 2004 12:58:20 pm PST #438 of 10003
A fellow makes himself conspicuous when he throws soft-boiled eggs at the electric fan.

Here are my liner notes.

Now to burn and mail!

Hayden - Jan 30, 2004 1:07:17 pm PST #439 of 10003
aka "The artist formerly known as Corwood Industries."

Hey, Erin, I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that your "Grits Ain't Groceries" song is not the George Jones song, but is the same song as Little Willie John's "All Around the World".

Hayden - Jan 30, 2004 1:11:33 pm PST #440 of 10003
aka "The artist formerly known as Corwood Industries."

In fact, now that I think about it, I have the Little Milton song on the Oxford American 2003 Southern Sampler, and it IS the same song as the Little Willie John song.

joe boucher - Jan 30, 2004 1:15:48 pm PST #441 of 10003
I knew that topless lady had something up her sleeve. - John Prine

Hey, Erin, I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that your "Grits Ain't Groceries" song is not the George Jones song, but is the same song as Little Willie John's "All Around the World".

If it isn't, eggs ain't poultry and Mona Lisa was a man.

Hayden - Jan 30, 2004 1:17:52 pm PST #442 of 10003
aka "The artist formerly known as Corwood Industries."

Isn't that "poultries"?

joe boucher - Jan 30, 2004 1:21:01 pm PST #443 of 10003
I knew that topless lady had something up her sleeve. - John Prine

Could go either way by the sound of it & they weren't big on lyric sheets in the fifties. But it's a moot point since I do love ya, baby. :-)

DavidS - Jan 30, 2004 1:56:03 pm PST #444 of 10003
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

I know it from the Little Willie John version too. But the song is credited either way to somebody named Turner (though I doubt it's Ike).

erinaceous - Jan 30, 2004 1:58:17 pm PST #445 of 10003
A fellow makes himself conspicuous when he throws soft-boiled eggs at the electric fan.

the Oxford American 2003 Southern Sampler,

That's where I got it from. I almost put "Put No Flowers On My Grave" on my mix too, but I resisted ...

Jon B. - Jan 30, 2004 3:14:28 pm PST #446 of 10003
A turkey in every toilet -- only in America!

Almost forgot to tell ya's. I'm going to see Jon Langford & Sally Timms tonight. Who wants to touch me?!

tina f. - Jan 30, 2004 3:22:25 pm PST #447 of 10003

don't worry, tina, I've got your correct zip code

Cool (yay! Hec mix!)

I just got back from after-work beers and am finishing my mix up before heading out to see Danny Pound and Will Sheff - I'm liking the mix so far but desperately want to change the order of some songs (I won't, I won't). We are supposed to get 12+ inches of snow sometime this weekend - so -- Lyra Jane -- my mix might not go out to you until Tuesday. I suck for procrastinating...I know.

Who wants to touch me?!

pokes Jon

Also? iTunes music store is EEEEEVIL (in a wonderful way)