Does anyone know anything about Morcheeba? I'm kind of obsessed by my downloaded copy of "What New York Couples Fight About."
bon bon does. She included them on the trip hop mix she made for me. I think she favors one of their albums above all others. Perhaps the first one?
I have 2 Morcheeba CDs in my car, courtesy of the Cincinnati Public Library. I like them.
I realize that was possibly the most unhelpful post ever.
If this helps, the BtVS episode "Passion" (S3) has a Morcheeba song at the very beginning, when the Scoobies are dancing at the Bronze.
Wow, Jon, you really hate that guy who has the show after yours. He's obviously annoying the crap out of you.
That's Peter Choyce. He lives in L.A. now, and was just filling in this past Friday. I don't really hate him. He's annoying but amusing. We have a shtick.
So, I was thinking more about Velvet Revolver on the way back from Lee's this evening, listen to the new song again (it has hit the airwaves hard), and I had the following thought:
You know what the real tragedy of Scott Weiland is?
He's alive and Lane Staley is dead.
You know what the real tragedy of Scott Weiland is?
He's alive and Lane Staley is dead.
Well, they both played Heroin Roulette and only one of them won. Or lost. It's hard to tell in that game. Weiland is the most clueless alternadude of them all. He just...he never had an effin' idea what he was doing. I used to enjoy just watching all the STP song titles come up and they were always always immediately derivative of something somebody else did six months previously. By god if the cool kids were talking about industrial products, then Weiland was going to name his songs after industrial cleansers too!
Weiland is the most clueless alternadude of them all. He just...he never had an effin' idea what he was doing.
Yeah. Lane, in addition to being the far better singer, had a much more focussed artist within him. Too bad about the hard drugs.
By god if the cool kids were talking about industrial products, then Weiland was going to name his songs after industrial cleansers too!
Keith Richards is going to play at the Gram Parsons tribute concerts.
(Speaking of heroin. . .)
As XRRF pointed out, that's tantamount to renaming the concerts "Gram Parsons - Lightweight".
bon bon does. She included them on the trip hop mix she made for me. I think she favors one of their albums above all others. Perhaps the first one?
If you have
Big Calm
you don't need the others. It's derivative of Massive/Portishead/Lamb but a nice listen.
As far as anything about them? They're the standard lady vocal/trippy backup (with samples!), just more psychedelic and less hip hop than other acts.
Well, they predate Lamb, and they're significantly different-sounding to the Bristol axis - they're smoother, more soulful, less overtly sample-based - but otherwise, yeah, Big Calm is ace but that's it. IIRC, they "went latin" for a bit, but I never heard that stuff.