I forgot to mention that I am taking an impromptu road trip to see Spoon tomorrow. My first time seeing them and it's only $7! Of course the gas will cost me $60 - but hey - road trip and great band.
There's a lady plays her fav'rite records/On the jukebox ev'ry day/All day long she plays the same old songs/And she believes the things that they say/She sings along with all the saddest songs/And she believes the stories are real/She lets the music dictate the way that she feels.
I forgot to mention that I am taking an impromptu road trip to see Spoon tomorrow. My first time seeing them and it's only $7! Of course the gas will cost me $60 - but hey - road trip and great band.
No converting needed (to .wav or AIFF or anything) because iTunes will make them stereo-friendly just using the mp3s.
Thanks! Magic of iTunes indeed. I just opened them from the Hard drive icon, and they unfolded into iTunes. Woo hoo! I just got sixteen albums for about $24. Not only are these unavailable on CD, they're extremely rare and expensive LPs ($25 to $60 a piece).
Also, I totally cried when I listened to the harmony cathedral mix. So sweet.
Awwww, I love to make my friends weep.
Yay, Spoon! I'm trying to get Britt Daniel to play the Kinks Hoot Night I'm organizing for August. It's right at the end of his tour, though, so he's probably not going to be interested.
Yay, Spoon!
Yes, yay Spoon! It was such a fun show. I could have spent $40 to see them at a big music fest here in Lawrence this weekend which would have been a probably awful sounding (sound system wise) 40-min. set in front of 10,000 people. Instead, I got a nice drive, good company and spent $9 for two hours in front of 60 people (it was sooo empty - they are always sold out here in Lawrence, but I guess the Missourians haven't caught the Spoon love yet).
I spent lots of money at the merchandise table. I got their 2000 EP Loveways which is great and a live radio performance CD with three quicktime videos on it.
I'm trying to get Britt Daniel to play the Kinks Hoot Night I'm organizing for August.
Ooh. Good luck - that'd be cool. Of course, I have a bit of a crush on him now. He was like a sleepy elf. A tall, sleepy, rock-star elf. He picked this hardcore crazy-dancing fan out of the audience and kind of played to him all night. It was pretty adorable. ::sigh::
this hardcore crazy-dancing fan
Not Beatle Bob, was it? He's based out of Missouri, isn't he?
Not Beatle Bob, was it? He's based out of Missouri, isn't he?
I dunno. Who is Beatle Bob? This kid was by himself, had a Howard Dean t-shirt on and was dancing like a madman to every single song. When BD picked him out of the crowd to comment on and encourage his fannish behavior, Howard Dean-kid got SO excited. I kinda have a crush on him, too.
Also - their new keyboard player seems to fit in nicely. He seemed really happy to be playing with them.
If he was a kid, he wasn't Beatle Bob.
Nope. Not Beatle Bob. But Howard-Dean-Kid was the kind of person who you are always happy to see at a show. A totally who-gives-a-shit I'm-gonna-dance-crazy fan.
Wow. There is a lot of info out there on Beatle Bob.
Nope. Not Beatle Bob. But Howard-Dean-Kid was the kind of person who you are always happy to see at a show. A totally who-gives-a-shit I'm-gonna-dance-crazy fan.
One of my favorite things to do at a Dave Matthews concert would be to find the hippiest of the hippys in my line of sight, then wait for the song "Jimi Thing" to start. Good crazy dancin' times guaranteed.