Not Beatle Bob, was it? He's based out of Missouri, isn't he?
I dunno. Who is Beatle Bob? This kid was by himself, had a Howard Dean t-shirt on and was dancing like a madman to every single song. When BD picked him out of the crowd to comment on and encourage his fannish behavior, Howard Dean-kid got SO excited. I kinda have a crush on him, too.
Also - their new keyboard player seems to fit in nicely. He seemed really happy to be playing with them.
If he was a kid, he wasn't Beatle Bob.
Nope. Not Beatle Bob. But Howard-Dean-Kid was the kind of person who you are always happy to see at a show. A totally who-gives-a-shit I'm-gonna-dance-crazy fan.
Wow. There is a lot of info out there on Beatle Bob.
Nope. Not Beatle Bob. But Howard-Dean-Kid was the kind of person who you are always happy to see at a show. A totally who-gives-a-shit I'm-gonna-dance-crazy fan.
One of my favorite things to do at a Dave Matthews concert would be to find the hippiest of the hippys in my line of sight, then wait for the song "Jimi Thing" to start. Good crazy dancin' times guaranteed.
Bowie gets hit in the eye with a lollipop while performing in Norway. Luckily he was not seriously injured.
Observer Monthly Poll of Best British albums ever:
1 The Stone Roses - The Stones Roses
2 Revolver - The Beatles
3 London Calling - The Clash (pictured)
4 Astral Weeks - Van Morrison
5 Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles
6 The White Album - The Beatles
7 Sticky Fingers - The Rolling Stones
8 Exile on Main Street - The Rolling Stones
9 Blue Lines - Massive Attack
10 Metal Box - PiL
Source: Observer Music Monthly
Van is an Irishman who recorded the whole damn record in America with American jazz musicians. How British is that?
And no Smiths or Kinks? Pfft. Do they even understand the concept of "British"?
doesn't feel particularly British either since it was recorded in a mansion along the French Riviera.
Stone Roses?! Did someone hack into the electronic ballot box?
I thought maybe it was a readers' poll, but noooo, they polled 100 musicians and critics.
Makes you wonder which 100 musicians and critics they polled.