I was there May 20-24. :-( Of course, I had nearly zero free time, as I was there for my BIL's (as LB called it) "Gradulations Day" from Tulane Law. So I spent a lot of time wrangling LB so my DH and BIL(s) and assorted fambly could hang out.
This is why I should NOT be virtuous and stay off here even when I'm swamped with work ...
little bam bam in one of the other threads mentioned Loretta Lynn's Van Lear Rose album, which reminded me I've been meaning to bring it up for a couple of weeks, but have been a bit distracted on the musical front.
Damn fine album. Whatever else he does (and I love Elephant) Jack White deserves credit for producing a mighty fine LL record.
Frontline's the way the music died is incredible.
Eh... They lost me on the front page "with the record industry clearly hurting..."
The RIAA is constantly using misleading stats to "prove" that sales are down when in fact they are as strong as ever.
Thank you soooo much P-C. Jon would thank you too, and buy you a drink if you were here, or he were here, or whatever.
Eh... They lost me on the front page "with the record industry clearly hurting..."
I took this as them taking a beating not only in reduced sales (which I think are over-exaggerated) but also in quality and in reputation. The documentary itself examines it from all sides--artists, executives, music journalists, radio programming people, etc. I like the show (I think PBS is playing it again, but you can get it streaming on the web as well). It's definitely worth a watch (if only to see the interviews with David Crosby and how he said Britney Spears is as deep at a birdbath).
Good puzzle, Joe. Especially liked the Minear clue.
Hey Steph, do you have any interest in African music? I can put together a comp for you if you want. (It might take me a week or two, as I'm currently backlogged on burning a bunch of CDs, including the Buffista mixes I still need to send to Jon... but it can be done!)