500,000 watts
All your radio waves are belong to us.
There's a lady plays her fav'rite records/On the jukebox ev'ry day/All day long she plays the same old songs/And she believes the things that they say/She sings along with all the saddest songs/And she believes the stories are real/She lets the music dictate the way that she feels.
500,000 watts
All your radio waves are belong to us.
500,000 watts
OK, that's a lot o' watts.
so no need to pile on happy b'day wishes, just please think of Pete, Malcolm, or Ho.
thinks of Pete, Malcolm and Ho. And Joey.
decides to pile on anyway
Happy Birthday Hayden!!
For no reason in particular, I am indulging my mean streak by reading reviews of the new Lenny Kravitz album. Snarky good times.
"Anyone else offering up such hokum would do it with tongue fairly deep in cheek. Not Lenny Kravitz. " And that is from Entertainment Weekly! Don't they usually like everybody?
"Any new Kravitz record demands a round of “What’s on Lenny’s iPod?” “Sistamamalover” takes only seconds to rip off a Sly Stone bass line, some lyrical ideas from Prince and the organ lick from Talking Heads’ cover of “Take Me to the River.” Not content simply to steal, Kravitz steals from other people stealing. Then comes the fake Joe Perry guitar solo. Rinse. Lather. Repeat." From Blender. Ouch.
Don't they usually like everybody?
Not at all. EW is full of the snark.
I will not say happy birthday to hayden, but will instead think of Pete.
Not at all. EW is full of the snark.
What Jon said. They've had movies as cover stories that, in the same issue, one of the reviewers will just EVISCERATE. One of the reasons I love that mag.
I got a free subscription to EW as a result of buying concert tickets online. I was under the impression that it was a fluffy mag, but now I really like it and I keep renewing it.
I got a free subscription to EW as a result of buying concert tickets online. I was under the impression that it was a fluffy mag, but now I really like it and I keep renewing it.
Oh, it's so not fluffy. I mean, it's fluffy in its own way, but I love it. So much.
Didja see me quoted? Check out the introduction to the Mail in the issue with Chris Rock on the cover.
Thanks, y'all! I went home early yesterday to sit on the porch, reading comic books and drinking beer. Blissful!
I will not say happy birthday to hayden, but will instead think of Pete.
So. Thoughtful.
I got more Buffista mixes yesterday, but one has nothing on it to indicate whose it is. It has a very nice CD jacket, with the song titles, and the compilation is called "Air We Breathe," but there are no liner notes, and I have NO idea who made it! Please identify yourself....
I also got hayden's, which I still need to listen to.