I got a free subscription to EW as a result of buying concert tickets online. I was under the impression that it was a fluffy mag, but now I really like it and I keep renewing it.
Oh, it's so not fluffy. I mean, it's fluffy in its own way, but I love it. So much.
Didja see me quoted? Check out the introduction to the Mail in the issue with Chris Rock on the cover.
Thanks, y'all! I went home early yesterday to sit on the porch, reading comic books and drinking beer. Blissful!
I will not say happy birthday to hayden, but will instead think of Pete.
So. Thoughtful.
I got more Buffista mixes yesterday, but one has nothing on it to indicate whose it is. It has a very nice CD jacket, with the song titles, and the compilation is called "Air We Breathe," but there are no liner notes, and I have NO idea who made it! Please identify yourself....
I also got hayden's, which I still need to listen to.
I made "Air We Breathe" a while back, but not as a Buffista mix. I think I sent it to Tina, among others.
Oh, was that it, Hayden? Damn. My bad.
Well, I gots it now. Muwah-ha-ha-ha!!!
Did it come with the handy-dandy mailer? My home computer's dead, but if I can revive it, I'll post that mailer on the website.
A track listing, you mean? In the form of a cool CD sleeve? Because it came with that. I like it so far -- in fact, I haven't listened to the official Buffista Mix Hayden CD yet because I'm listening to Air We Breathe.
Well, I hope you enjoy it!
Should I send the original back to Gandalfe, then? Instead of forward to DX, since it's not part of the Buffista Mix Chain O' Love?