On the other hand, would it be terribly wrong to include the Cantina Band Theme from Star Wars on my mix? :)
Although I'm not participating, I'll point out that it isn't the worst song you could come up with. The year of SW was also the year of "You Light Up My Life." Which is too sappy even for me.
Oh, as I said--I was born in a year with a LOT of bad bad bad music. Baaaaaaad music. But that link Jon gave was FABULOUS, and gave me several ideas (and I had no idea a few of them were from my year! (1977, if you hadn't got it by the Star Wars thing)).
Glad t' be of service, ma'am.
I would like to announce that I got the best Chrismukah present EVER from erinaceous today.
Ahem! My favourite song of all time was released in 1977!
RIO! I'm glad you liked it. (Let me know if the crookedness starts to bug and I will harass them to replace it.)
I have been irrevokably earwormed by Gordon Lightfoot. Be afraid, be very afraid.
If people are having trouble with the cover song category, I found this site.
I have been irrevokably earwormed by Gordon Lightfoot. Be afraid, be very afraid.
I can think of worse things. I rather like Gordon Lightfoot, but mainly for sentimental reasons.
I'm having trouble with the "What does it mean?" category. I do have one song where the singer mumbles a lot. Would that work?
I'm impressed by people who think about transitions, etc. on their mixes. Mine is currently so all over the place that it isn't even funny. I have liner notes written up and everything, but I'm going to wait until the eleventh hour to finalize my list and burn the CD. There are a couple of tracks that I'm still not 100% happy with.
Also, a frightening number of my choices are from
anime soundtracks.