Though Right Said Fred's I'm Too Sexy got in, such novelties as Macarena and Who Let the Dogs Out, which by design are cheesy, were nixed.
"I'm Too Sexy" wasn't intentionally cheesy?
And for worst song, I'd vote Three Dog Night's "Joy to the World." I've set land speed records to change the radio to anything else.
I am secure in my belief that the worst song ever is "Honey" by Bobby Goldsboro.
I don't think I know it, but that's okay. Do not share the crappy songs.
See the tree, how big it's grown
but friend it hasn't been too long
it wasn't big
It's about a dead wife. And a tree.
One of those songs I love to hate is "Nuclear Attack" by Europe. What sort of things rhyme with "nuclear attack"? Glad you asked. How about "The world will crack." And, profoundly, "You can never go back."
Meara, Anne has a bunch of CDs in her possession -- she let me know she'd be sending them on to me soon.
I'm all for "We Built This City" being the worst song ever. I loathe it. Last time I was out for karaoke, someone sang it, and I learned that the mystery lyric I never knew was: "Manconi plays the mambo."
I think I liked it better when it was a mystery.
Why is the Will Hung song not cheesy?
I think cheesy can be bad and horrible in a good way, but something that's that bad and horrible can't be cheesy.
Plus, the Will Hung thing is just kind of sad and puzzling.
I'm in the midst of a big Prince kick. Have heard enough good things about "Musicology" to know I want to buy it. Enjoyed the EW interview. Am considering buying tickets to his Seattle show (but am scared about the price).
Alicia, do buy it - It is a wonderful album. While I've enjoyed mostly everything he's done, the critics are correct in that it's a strong return to mainstream accesibility. The title track speaks for itself, and "A Million Days" is wow, one of the best things he's ever done - and that's saying something for somone who's made over 30 Albums.
Oh, when listening for the first time, don't be put off by the second track (by far the weakest).