First of all, he's relentlessly uncool personally.
Agreed. I didn't say he'd achieved coolness. Just that he wanted to achieve it. Lucky for him he is absolutely gifted and has an amazing eye and ear and found the means to put them to use - or he'd be the loudest and most obnoxious video store clerk ever.
Also, he's undeniably one of the very best directors for casting ever.
Absolutely. That he made me like both Darryl Hannah and Lucy Lu in the Kill Bill movies is a feat I would have never thought possible. I wonder who he really wanted for the leads in True Romance - his worst cast movie, imo (though Gary Oldman is perfection as the bad guy). ETA: I just recalled that QT didn't direct TR he just wrote the screenplay - Tony Scott directed (I think) still - I wonder who he really imagined playing the roles when he wrote them.
I have nothing to defend my position - other than he strikes me as someone who does in fact want to be seen as cool. Socially - celebrity-wise if not through his films themsleves (which is why I can love the films and hate the guy without it bothering me too much). He wants to talk about all the starlets he has fucked, insinuate that he and Uma have had an affair - maybe even that he was a factor in the failure of her marriage. That he is BFF with big rap stars, etc. Next to that kind of "wanting to be cool" he makes Wes Anderson look like the dorkiest dork in Dorkland.
I have read interviews where Tarantino embraced his inner geek. But the stories about having hunted down master reels for his favorite obscure movies are always followed by him blatantly namedropping and with the ENDLESS "I'm really tough. No, really. I'd tear a guy's nuts off if he tried to fuck with me. Really." Dude. YOU ARE NOT BIGGIE SMALLS. No one wants to fuck with you. Get some mace and get over yourself already.
But film-wise, I agree with you. If his movies were about him just wanting to be cool - well - they would probably really suck.
Yikes! It's almost 3! Off to bed.