But then I've heard almost every conceivable combination of musics pulled off - except reggae and rockabilly. Those seem to be matter and antimatter.
I suspect you won't find this convincing... but in "Wrong 'Em Boyo" the Clash lifted the false beginning of Elvis's "Milkcow Blues Boogie" (via "Bob Dylan's 115th Dream": "Start all over again!") as the intro for their reggae version of the New Orleans classic "Staggerlee". New Orleans, the R&B of which was a big influence on reggae, is probably your most likely suspect if you don't like the Clash argument. Big musical gumbo.
But then I've heard almost every conceivable combination of musics pulled off - except reggae and rockabilly
Hmmm - reggabilly or rockgae? Yeah, even Dread Zeppelin favored the one over the other.
I love the commercial with "Ballroom Blitz" where they throw stuff out of the back of a semi at oncoming cars.
It's a *fantastic* commercial, and Ilove that song.
And I am currently ripping Hayden's CDs, so they should be int he mail to Gandalfe on Monday or Tuesday.
I have a reggae/bluegrass-and-other-old-timey-music album with the wonderful title A New Broom Sweeps Clean, But An Old Broom Knows Every Corner.
thought you guys might appreciate this
Courtin' Songs
In recognition of the disappointing end to a relationship, I went on a CD spree yesterday. I got:
Norah Jones "Feels Like Home"
Sarah McLachlan "Afterglow"
Nick Drake "Pink Moon"
Vienna Teng
LOTR soundtrack
Sigur Ros "Aegnitelxd Bealksdfh" (uh, their first one)
Unfortunately, I was too busy eating ice cream and lying on the couch watching bad weekend TV to listen to any of them yet. But I look forward to them muchly.
edited to fix the line breaks
What? No country music? The music of pain?
Speaking of Norah Jones, anyone else see her on SNL this weekend? She sounded great, and looked fabulous -- I think she's put on weight over the last year or so?
Alicia - The Sigur Ros and Nick Drake combo post break up is a dangerous mix of sad-inducing. At least that was my experience.
I was all Irish and stuff this weekend - got the Thrills (I like it as background spring/summer music - it was perfect on the stereo for getting my balcony ready for spring plants and flowers - but not so impressive on the headphones.) And I got
Astral Weeks
because Hec always puts it in his top ten lists. Talk about perfect Sunday music.
Also got the Leona Naess self-titled, a new copy of
Roman Candle
(Elliott Smith) to replace my scratched copy.
My favorite break up song is "No Children" by the Mountain Goats. And a bunch of bitter and angsty Pearl Jam songs.
Off to lunch.