Middle Earth' scenes clearly shot on regular Earth
'Bring On The Night'
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Middle Earth' scenes clearly shot on regular Earth
t rereads post
Hmmm...I made no sense in that last one, did I?
You did, Aimee. A lot of sense.
Okay, good. Becasue between my love for the movies, which keeps growing, too much chocolate and my new nails, which I'm not used to, I'm not sure about anything I type.
Given that I was upset because movie!Faramir does not have black hair like book!Faramir, let alone the fact that he's a completely different person, I think I've come a long way in accepting that there's this character who is Boromir's brother and has some family issues. Kate and Sean and others who like movie!Faramir make some good points, but I'm not sure what he added to the movies, other than extending Frodo and Sam's trek. And of course nookie for Eowyn, subtly suggested.
I would also argue that Gandalf and Galadriel are seriously tempted by the ring. They both say they've been tempted, but it's so tempered with wisdom as to not represent a threat. Neither tries to take it. Aragorn is not tempted one whit, and neither are any of the rest of the Fellowship. So why is Faramir not good enough? It's insulting that Denethor believes Faramir is weak and useless; how much more insulting that the screenwriters clearly believe it also?
Raquel, I agree with you; I'm one of those who find book!Faramir more appealing than movie!Faramir, though I did like him lots more in ROTK. But I seriously almost screamed in the theater when he decided to take the Ring to Gondor. And you're right about him not being the only one not tempted by the Ring. Gandalf and Galadriel are both tempted in part because they are so powerful (and they are both wise enough to know that they could not use the Ring for anything but an evil purpose), but I think one reason Faramir is able to resist is because he has no real tangible power, what with Boromir being the favored son.
This is what I mean about the Middle Earth's never ending war between Legolas and Physics. It pretty much blows the threat curve of all the baddies. Enh, just throw SuperElf at 'em and let's all get drunk. It's annoying. Oddly enough, I think the most annoying was the Last Toboggan Ride of the Elf. Much moreso than the Oliphaunt . I really prefer FoTR Legolas. I mean all else aside, the stuff gets so over the top that I can't enjoy it anyway. Of course that's a broad generalisation, but everybody makes broad generalisations. At least I do.
On the other hand, I much prefer movie Faramir. In the book he pretty much stole all the heat from the ring. It's established that the ring wants to be taken by Man, because they're more easily corrupted. Aragorn managed to resist it enough to let Frodo leave, thus removing temptation before it can set in on them. Faramir does pretty much the same thing, with a bit more tension. Tension is good.
Finally, the Son of Gloin. Definitely, if we combined TTT neck hewing with RoTK dialogue, we'd have the best of all possible Gimli's.
if we combined TTT neck hewing with RoTK dialogue, we'd have the best of all possible Gimli's.
Yes. And if we combine the FotR fighting with the RotK Gondor sickroom appearance, we get the best of all possible Legolases.
You know, I don't recall ever feeling that Aragorn was tempted by the Ring in the books either.
I vaguely remember him making one or two Gandalf-esque "You'd *really* better not offer me that thing" statements to Frodo, but it's possible I'm misremembering.