I Am The Very Model Of A Third-Age Numenorean.
giggles. bows in Pmoon's direction.
Dawn ,'Never Leave Me'
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
I Am The Very Model Of A Third-Age Numenorean.
giggles. bows in Pmoon's direction.
And again, I am filled with this image of Aragorn, son of Arathorn saying "Oh, you're a plumber.... what on Earth is that?"
Now there's a The Simple Life concept that could be worth watching.
Now there's a The Simple Life concept that could be worth watching.
Partner him with Legolas Greenleaf, and I'm there.
Partner him with Legolas Greenleaf, and I'm there.
Yeah! Every day they interact with ordinary people and perform menial tasks, Aragorn comes home covered in crap from having fallen over multiple times trying to catch a piglet or something, Legolas is still pristine, smirking and thinking to himself "Still the prettiest".
Eowyn's a daughter of kings too.
Yeah, but isn't that how the Kin-Strife started, a few centuries back? Them Rohans aren't real royalty. Numenoreans are supposed to marry Numenoreans, not jumped up barbarians. Did we learn nothing from Castamir?
Did we learn nothing from Castamir?
Okay, *that* made me laugh out loud for some reason.
Bwah, Joe Crow!
Lemme see, if Arwen uses Idril's sword, that's... t counts on fingers Argh. Her great-grandmother's sword? Tuor married Idril, who bore Elwing, who married Earendil and bore Elros and Elrond. Right.
Every day they interact with ordinary people and perform menial tasks, Aragorn comes home covered in crap from having fallen over multiple times trying to catch a piglet or something, Legolas is still pristine, smirking and thinking to himself "Still the prettiest".
Have you read Bagenders? The Aragorn concept is similar.
An interesting article on the transformation of LotR into a family film.
I don't think the films watered down the book characterizations; I think they humanized them. Not for the hobbits, who are from the book's perspective ordinary-size--but for the humans, and to a lesser extent for the elves and the dwarf. In the books the people are giants, people from the age of heroes, full of certainty. In the movies they are all much more unsure of whether they can meet the demands fate places upon them.
I could never connect with the book's Aragorn, who seemed to find it really easy to become king, at least from a mental perspective; the movie Aragorn, who struggles in TTT to reconcile his Elven upbringing with his Mortal blood and who in ROTK has to brace his shoulders after being crowned but before turning to the people of Gondor, is much more appealing to me than the book Aragorn.
That said, am I the only person who returns to the books and doesn't imagine the movie actors? They just fall away. There I am, thinking Aragorn's kind of a jerk again and Frodo is much thinner and browner and not nearly as pretty as Elijah Wood.