Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"?
Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn.
Aragorn: I like "Strider."
Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
The best thing you could do is have a very subtle mass letter campaign, very subtle, very polite to New Line's boys and MGM's boys telling them to sort The Hobbit rights out.
I doubt that this deal is being held up because of
lack of motivation.
MGM probably has NL over a barrel trying to get as much of that sweet, sweet LotR money as possible...and there's not much NL can do about that. Perhaps they'll work out a distribution or backend deal instead.
You made that sound like porn, you big contract!perv.
I'm pretty optimistic that the prospect of making piles of money will enable those two companies to come up with a deal.
Nothing makes people stupid like piles of money though.
I have to admit yelling "One of us!" during any of Richard Taylor's acceptance speeches.
Oh, and, didja see that ratings for the Oscars were markedly up this year from previous? LOTR even loans fans to the Oscars!
Gandalf the Grey is more fun to *watch* than Gandalf the White, too.
Well, except when he goes medieval. Then he's fun no matter how bleached he is...
Gandalf the White was damn scary at times. He'd never dance with hobbits at a birthday party. But, Gandalf the Grey probably wouldn't have given Denethor the smackdown or taken control of Minas Tirith. And that's a distinction I never got from reading the books.
I like Gandalf the White better, because he didn't have a silly pointy hat.
Gandalf the Grey probably wouldn't have given Denethor the smackdown or taken control of Minas Tirith.
Well, they kinda expanded Gandalf's taking charge and Denethor's asshattedness for the movie. Denethor was a calculating cold fish in the books (and with more justification, which I still hope they'll clarify because why else bring up Palantir, except as a plot contrivance to get Pippin to Minas Tirith), but he came across as somewhat likeable in a gruff way, despite his smackdown of Faramir.
In the books Denethor is a proud man from a long, proud line of men who have done a dirty job of keeping Gondor going. Yeah, they were only Stewards, supposed to be holding the throne for the King, but when all the resources you've got say the King ain't coming home, a Steward is allowed to think Steward=King. And then to hear that, oh, wait, there is a king, he's on his way, time to brush the dust off the throne and get ready to stand to one side, sorry, old man, but thanks for all your hard work.
Add in that Sauron playing games with Denethor's mind, and I begin to feel a little sorry for him.