Was this the one they were filming when Kristen and I were there? Was there some soldier freaking out while eating a can of beans?
Firefly Spoilers
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
It was smashing, wasn't it?
Supreme Ruler of the Galaxy, perhaps? Do you think he'd settle for my firstborn?
I was thinking maybe he could try contributing to the creation of my firstborn. (This is in no way related to my ongoing plan to become Canadian. No siree. Nothing to see here. Move along.)
There's more bitter creeping into my sweet now though. Only two episodes left! If anyone needs me, I'll most likely be renting a houseboat in Egypt.
Such is my devotion to the show that I've taken this whole living in de Nile thing literally. Yes. 4 weeks and counting before I'm off to Cairo.
t /not kidding
That would be the one Allyson.
Jayne's note from Mom just about broke me. No wonder he's so mercenary, he's sending his money home to help his poor mother care for Maddy who is sick. What a big softie. And then the discussion with Book about death and such. Priceless. Told me /so/ much about Jayne as a man, love it.
Loved the new hat.
Fay, your commitment astonishes me. I'll just be hiding my metaphor in shame over in the corner.
Allyson, could I possibly steal/share/borrow your brain for a day to know the terrificness of seeing Firefly filming? I'll try not to dirty it, I promise.
And yup, the Baldwin is a comedy genius.
I guess I just wish I worked for a company who had the esprit de corps that Serenity does. And the loyalty. And the code of honor.
Without having to drop a bunch of years and join the armed forces, I mean.
I guess I just wish I worked for a company who had the esprit de corps that Serenity does. And the loyalty. And the code of honor.
It was a bit like that when I worked for a Czech beer company, actually. Small team, everyone supportive and friendly and pulling together, everyone very much believing in the noble cause of promoting and selling a really lovely and quality beverage with a long and noble history. Plus, free beer!
...and then the parent company sold us out, and the UK offices were closed, and we all lost our jobs.
rassensassenfrassen stupid world
I loved the "My food is problematic" line. Very good. Wash and the cow fetus was fun, Jayne and the hat. The guy likes his crap hats. Holden was top class again. Just too good to be cancelled.
Or, you know, not. Fuckers.
A man walks down the street in that
hat, people know he's not afraid of
JAYNE: What'd you all order a dead guy for?
OH! And a great line from the script:
Zoe produces a FUTURISTIC DEVICE! That is a tape recorder -- of the FUTURE! (Somebody design this please.)