See, in my fantasy, when I'm kissing you... you're kissing me. It's okay. I can wait.

Oz ,'First Date'

Firefly Spoilers  

Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.

Noumenon - Jul 22, 2003 11:09:55 pm PDT #290 of 1424
No other candidate is asking the hard questions, like "Did geophysicists assassinate Jim Henson?" or "Why is there hydrogen in America's water supply?" --defective yeti

My nick comes from a musical group, Les Nubians.

Think I'll start calling you Les...

Am-Chau Yarkona - Jul 22, 2003 11:10:13 pm PDT #291 of 1424
I bop to Wittgenstein. -- Nutty

I wished some discussion of this had happened in the thread before the proposal to limit discussion went through. It certainly took me by surprise.

I wish we'd discussed this before the situation was right on top of us, as well. It was confusing to try and explain beforehand, though (and it's still not easy), and while there was some mention of it in the main Firefly thread, for obvious reasons I didn't want to come over here and raise it at that point, fearing even more spoiling.

Edit: thank you for the cooperation. It means a lot to me.

I would suggest that one would do well to only discuss the current week's episode as aired in the UK at approximately 1 pm Mondays, Buffista Board time.

Well, not quite, Daniel. We're (I'm) only asking people to avoid discussing the last three episodes-- so it's "all of Firefly except..." rather than "just this episode". But yeah, we're asking to be in Spoilage Lite rather than Spoilers for a little while.

DCJensen - Jul 22, 2003 11:15:36 pm PDT #292 of 1424
All is well that ends in pizza.

Be that as it may, I am done addressing this. I am not an admin and apparently my explainations are not adequite to address Le neubian's concerns.

I'm tired, I'm going to bed.

le nubian - Jul 22, 2003 11:23:49 pm PDT #293 of 1424
"And to be clear, I am the hell. And the high water."

Daniel, I went to the Bur. thread and posted. Maybe you are cranky or something, but there was no reason to post your message sounding like I'm some impossible child. I agreed to cooperate. Previously I had no context for the decision and wished it had been addressed here.

Thanks Am-Chau. Sorry for seeming dense, but now that I understand the situation, I do think y'all should have better accomodations, but I'll make sure and refrain from posting about eps you haven't seen for awhile.

DCJensen - Jul 22, 2003 11:34:52 pm PDT #294 of 1424
All is well that ends in pizza.

I apologize that you feel like I was talking about you like you were an impossible child.

I tried to help several times, and now that it is 3:30 am, I am probably not as coherent as usual.

Ignore the tired man.

Fay - Jul 28, 2003 12:39:25 pm PDT #295 of 1424
"Fuck Western ideologically-motivated gender identification!" Sulu gasped, and came.

Oooooh I love Mondays! I lovelovelove the two episodes back-to-back thing!

Trash was just as much fun the second time around - arguably more so, because when you're not caught up in the moment it's nice to be able to respond to the show when you already know where it's going and how it's going to get there. More chance to concentrate on the scenery. And I do love YoSaffBridge to pieces, I really do. And I'm going to continue to like Inara, and to adore Wash'n'Kaylee'n'Zoe. And the Tams - bless the Tams. And bless whosoever it was that decided to give us gratuitous naked Canadian, because I am grateful to them from the bottom of my heart, not to mention assorted other organs. Really. Gotta love Cap'n No Pants.

I should also say - the effects were bloody spectacular. I'm not so much one to notice the FX, generally speaking, but the whole scene with Kaylee and Jayne (and then Zoe) getting the doodad slotted into the whojamaflip on the Garbage Bin? That was so well done. Seamlessly done.

Anyway - The Message. First things first - one of the things I love most (except this is a very big list, and subject to change depending on what I'm concentrating upon at any given moment, granted, but nevertheless...) one of the things I love most about this show is the sense of the 'verse. I just love it when they go planetside, or dock on a station. I lovelovelove all the wee details - the door handle on Shindig, the 'Hot Dog' stand in The Train Job, the consistent mix of cultures and costumes and the sense of being dirty and lived-in and real. The whole Star Wars cantina thing, I guess I mean, rather than the sanitized Trekverse take on living quarters and one-fashion-fits-all cultures. It makes me happy. So the whole Freak Show thing was a delight, as was River's bafflement at her snow planet snack thing. And, as you can doubtless imagine, I was utterly undone by the Simon/Kaylee scene. Dear sweet merciful God - when they finally put Woobie in the dictionary (and I say this as one who cringes at having to use such a juvenile word, but the devil of it is that there is no satisfactory alternative in any conventional lexicon) then Simon Tam's photograph is going to be right there next to it. How utterly, utterly disarmingly cute and hopeless he is, bless him. And Kaylee all in her pretty dress, the darling girl, with her "say more good stuff about me". Props to Maher - he really sold it. Which goes without saying, I know - hello, damn fine ensemble. But still - I could believe that he actually did come out with this phenomenally mood-killing foot-in-mouth insult in the sincere belief that it was kind of amusing. Bless him. Owch. And Wash'n'Zoe! With the cow foetus! Oh, I'm loving Wash'n'Zoe more and more, I really am. But Simon's still my favourite - I was only sorry that we didn't get more Simony goodness throughout the rest of the episode - but there we are. Can't fit everyone in with such a limited amount of time, and he got a lovely scene there at the start. And with the cutting open! That was all very good too.

And holy cow, it was lovely HoldenVamp actorguy! Whose name I'm having some difficulty tracking down on imdb, but he surely is in the Whedon stable right now and no mistake. Trust we'll see a fair bit of him in next season's AtS. Very much enjoyed the flashbacks to the war. Some good stuff there - could Zoe possibly be any cooler? Really. Just love the Zoe-Mal show to pieces. (Also very much enjoyed Inara in this episode, I should add - I guess she's one of my least beloved characters, but I do like her plenty.)

Also? Jim! From The Sentinel, which we've just started getting over here. Good lord.

Oh! And I must reiterate my astonished delight at how very, very, VERY good the fx are. The work is utterly convincing - I mean, I cannot imagine how they could have possibly made anything more convincing for the whole going-down-to-the-planet thing. All that chase sequence, with the snow and ice and the two ships and the shifts of focus - sweet weeping mother of God, that was gorgeous. That was just gorgeous.

Lovely ep, this. Oh, damn - Jayne! And his hat! God, I do love Jayne to pieces - Baldwin cracks me up consistently with his delivery. He's got such terrific comic timing, bless him - I mean, he gets smashing lines, but, damn, he does sell them beautifully well.


So, yeah. Still don't hate the show.

happy phantom - Jul 28, 2003 12:47:00 pm PDT #296 of 1424
I'm old school. Like Happy Shopper.

So, I'm just about done crying now, after having seen the Message, which was of the same insanely high quality that all previous episodes have lead me to expect.

I'm so in love with show, that it can make me laugh out loud and then move me to tears in such a short space of time. I don't know what I'm going to do when it's over, but enough of that. Must focus on the fabulousness that was this episode.

First there was Simon, being all cute and didn't you just know he was going to screw it up somehow? But that gave us Zoe putting her arm round him, and acting like a concerned big sister, with the sarcasm and everything, so it was worth it.

I loved the Space Station. Just like Serenity it felt like a real place, where people lived and worked, and tried to get on with life as best they could. In fact the whole pre-credits sequence just rocked my world, with River's "My food is problematic" and Jayne's Hat! And reading his letter, and Kaylee resting her head on Inara's shoulder. I just loved it to bits.

Onto, whassisname, Holden/Knox/Tracy guy (it was him right? It looked and sounded like him, but I didn't check the credits.) Scifi kinda spoiled it a little by putting the whole him-not-really-being-dead thing in the promo, which ruined the reveal. I like that it's never stated that he's good or bad, or right or wrong. He's just one more person, trying to get by in the world, and his methods weren't ones that Mal and Zoe agreed with, but they still took him home, and I'm welling up again which is just no good.

Loved the flashback. Zoe stating "First rule of battle; never let them know where you are" then Mal rushing in whooping and hollering. "Of course, there are other schools of thought." just cracked me up.

His death was so sad though, so unecessary. If he'd just waited, and listened and not been so skittish, he might've made it. Though no doubt he would have ended up in some other similar situation eventually.

Oh and the race through the snowy caverns scene was absolutely exhilarating, and the fx were spiffy. I especially loved it because I've always wondered when people try to get away by doing crazy flying through ravines that the chasers don't just fly over them, and that's exactly what happened.

And they completely made up for the the lack of Book last week by having him stare down evil-alan-from-24-guy. I really hope we at least get a small hint to just why Book is such a rock-solid guy before the end, just a tease!

happy phantom - Jul 28, 2003 12:50:45 pm PDT #297 of 1424
I'm old school. Like Happy Shopper.

Heh. I just read your post after writing mine Fay, and we pretty much say the exact same things in the same order and everything!

This show is just going to break our hearts, isn't it?

Fay - Jul 28, 2003 12:52:56 pm PDT #298 of 1424
"Fuck Western ideologically-motivated gender identification!" Sulu gasped, and came.

In fact the whole pre-credits sequence just rocked my world, with River's "My food is problematic" and Jayne's Hat! And reading his letter, and Kaylee resting her head on Inara's shoulder. I just loved it to bits.


Absobloodylutely. Yes. Damn straight.

And they completely made up for the the lack of Book last week by having him stare down evil-alan-from-24-guy.

True! (And, hey, those of you who have tuned in to previous episodes of "The Life and Times of Fay" may recall that I mentioned how engaged I got in the first season of 24? Well, it was of course Alan/Jim/FireflyVillainOfTheWeek to whom I was referring when I bellowed "Shoot him in the cock! Shoot him in the fucking cock!!!" at the screen by way of encouragement to Jack Bauer to try torture as a means of getting vital information from the sonofabitch who knew where Kim and Terry were, and who had just claimed to be torture-proof. Thus earning an eloquently raised eyebrow from my mum, and reminding me that reading too much porn makes you liable to bandy around vocabulary that isn't always entirely appropriate. And also that I'm far more violent than I'd previously realised.)


This show is just going to break our hearts, isn't it?

Yes. Yes, I rather fear it is.

Jars - Jul 28, 2003 1:48:39 pm PDT #299 of 1424

What y'all said.

This episode of the 'Jars Loves Firefly Show' will probably end up being in an incoherent list format, but bear with me, because there was so. much. goodness.

Mutant cattle. Oh, yes. My God, but could Simon be more adorable? Sean Maher pulled that scene off so well, I was actually squealing at the television. As Fay said, woobie! Also loving Wash and Zoe. And Jayne's hat, and his letter from his mother, though what kind of mother would end up with Jayne is certainly an open question.

The war flashback was just so classy. All the bits that you've already mentioned -- yes and yes. I loved the Seeker dealie aswell though. So freaking classy.

Tracy, whoever he may be, was fabulous. The senselessness of the whole thing just about broke me. Mal's reaction was heartbreaking, and makes me want to give Nathan Fillion some kind of award. Supreme Ruler of the Galaxy, perhaps? Do you think he'd settle for my firstborn?

There's more bitter creeping into my sweet now though. Only two episodes left! If anyone needs me, I'll most likely be renting a houseboat in Egypt.