Fay, dude, you are not alone (though don't expect me to sing), because I also like Inara. She's beautiful, and she's got wiles, and better yet, she's got a gun. She's Princess Leia, with better acting and more sex. My brain just went to a weird crossover place. Excuse me.
'The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco'
Firefly Spoilers
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
She's Princess Leia, with better acting and more sex.
You take that back!!!
You take that back!!!
I'm counting on DX to defend Princess Leia from the blasphemy, because my head just exploded.
Inara even had the wherewithal to not actually throw herself down the garbage chute. Her clothes are too pretty for that.
Well, you can't argue with the more sex bit. As to the better acting - dude, I love Princess Leia, and I love Carrie Fisher, but I don't know that I'd say her acting is significantly better than Morena's is in Firefly. She gets lots of good snarky lines, but she doesn't actually get to kick all that much butt - I mean, Inara's pretty good with a sword and a gun as well as a put down. And she's got a better wardrobe. And she gets laid way more often, which is nice for her. Also, she has friendships (and sex) with other women, rather than being the sole token female in an ocean of blokes.
Yeah, I'm with you, Jars. The yanks are gonna kill us, like, but I'm with you.
Kill us but dead.
Well, you can't argue with the more sex bit.
She's a hooker! It's her career, and she seems to approach it very clinically. What fun is that? Most of her clients appear to be young men who've never gotten any, ever, and therefore don't know any better.
Do not dis the Leia...
Do not dis the Leia...
Can I dis the majority of her dialogue, at least?
As Harrison Ford said "You can type this shit George, but you sure can't say it."
et tu, Ken?
et tu, Ken?
Well I like Inara and there seems to be a big hate-on for her here. Plus, I like Carrie Fischer, but nothing will ever make me forgive having to watch her commune with the Ruxpins.