The only thing is, I don't read their technology as advanced enough to move planetary masses into new orbits. The terraforming alone looked to have taken decades to perform.
Firefly Spoilers
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
And is it wrong that, in the scene at the graves, all I could think was "DAMN, Gina Torres is HOTT!!!"?
She looked freaking beautiful in that scene.
The terraforming alone looked to have taken decades to perform.
I think they even said this was so.
Some more reviews from AICN: [link]
So...Wash isn't dead, right? It's just a fake spoiler, and I'll go see the movie again in September, and scenes will have been reshot, and WASH WON'T BE DEAD, RIGHT?
The good-guys are stalwart and true. The bad-guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats and we always defeat them and save the day. Nobody ever dies…and everybody lives happily ever after.
The only thing is, I don't read their technology as advanced enough to move planetary masses into new orbits. The terraforming alone looked to have taken decades to perform.
Hmm - how can I wank this? They had to look hard for the best system to move to(not cannonical, but not contradicted by cannon). So they found something that could nudged into shape with a lot less effort than your normal solar system. The Terraforming was done simultaneously. What would produce such a system? They find it mysterious too - just happy to have run into it.
The reason I don't really try to hard to think about how to work out the few potentially glaring scientific issues in the Fireflyverse is that I know Trekkies, and listening to them try to explain, for example, the preposterousness of the universal translator makes my brain sad. If you can handwave FTL travel, which contradicts all we know about physics, an obscenely large habitable solar system shouldn't take more than a pinky.
I agree - a solar system with a large number of terraformable habital planets violates no fundamental physical laws. What it could bring it about (since advanced alien races, even extinct ones go agains the "no-aliens" spirit of Firefly) is another question. I'm not an astrophyscist. but I'll bet either a real one, or someone with good enough working knowledge to fake it on the internet could come up with a plausible low-probability explaination. Remember it would not have to be likely - just possible.
I agree - a solar system with a large number of terraformable habital planets violates no fundamental physical laws. What it could bring it about (since advanced alien races, even extinct ones go agains the "no-aliens" spirit of Firefly) is another question. I'm not an astrophyscist. but I'll bet either a real one, or someone with good enough working knowledge to fake it on the internet could come up with a plausible low-probability explaination. Remember it would not have to be likely - just possible.
You've been huffing off of the Infinite Improbablility Drive again, haven't you?