It felt like a Very Buffy Moment.
Yes! I was thinking the same thing. It reminded me of that shot of Buffy (that they used in the opening credits) in the episode "Ann," holding the wicked ax with a "OK, who's next?" look on her face.
'Time Bomb'
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
It felt like a Very Buffy Moment.
Yes! I was thinking the same thing. It reminded me of that shot of Buffy (that they used in the opening credits) in the episode "Ann," holding the wicked ax with a "OK, who's next?" look on her face.
It reminded me of that shot of Buffy (that they used in the opening credits) in the episode "Ann," holding the wicked ax with a "OK, who's next?" look on her face.
Yes! That was the episode I was thinking of -- that expression like, "Bring it, bitch," and/or "Don't. Fuck. With. The. TINY. GIRL!!!"
Yes to all on the River Iconic Badass image. But I liked this better, because River has dark hair. And, being dark-haired myself, I always prefer that my badass chicks have dark hair. Because it makes it easier for me to identify with them.
With luck, smonster will get pictures of us up by Monday night.
I also think Jayne was tweaked just a little, to make him a little less -- "dumb" isn't the right word for how he was in the series
It's not an exact fit, but primal is what comes to my mind for Series!Jayne.
I had wishes for differences in the language. I thought the word "conjure" was overused. I appreciate that the Westernisms were toned down, but it made the ones that were there seem more out of place to me.
I am one of these people who sounds like they hated something, when really they loved it. And I did love it.
Frankly, and I know I'm going to cause debate, but I'm still sure I'm right, River could kick Buffy's ass. That fight scene more or less proves it, I think. As she's the only person who survives this film pretty much entirely unwounded, she qualifies as a Level Nine badass.
As for Mal being darker, particularly after Book dies, I should point up that this is expected for a Whedon hero, who always goes pretty dark in the time leading up to the battle s/he doesn't expect to survive. Examples include "The mission is what matters" Buffy in S7 and Angel being murderously ruthless in order to infiltrate the Black Thorn, end of S5. This isn't Mal being Movie!Mal instead of TV!Mal; Movie!Mal is TV!Mal when pushed beyond the limits he's prepared to live with.
Frankly, and I know I'm going to cause debate, but I'm still sure I'm right, River could kick Buffy's ass.
But who would win in a fight between a Reaver and a vampire?
My money's on the Reaver, because at least they can master technology.
Frankly, and I know I'm going to cause debate, but I'm still sure I'm right, River could kick Buffy's ass.
I'd like to see Buffy, River, and Fray all in one room.
I'd like to see Buffy, River, and Fray all in one room.
Now I'm picturing Buffy, River and Fray sitting down at a tea party....
I'd like to see Buffy, River, and Fray all in one room.
Is there Jello in this scenario?