Ouise, I had a pedicure at Bliss Spa in Bishop's Landing and the esthetician was very nice. I also had a massage/facial at the Interlude and also had a good experience. I've never had a manicure though.
YAY for Joanne staying in the land of peace, order and good government!
Thanks, Megan. and Yay! indeed. I'm so excited I'm still bouncing.
When is her fiance finished school?
I'm very excited because my friend Joanne is going to be staying in Canada! Her American fiance has decided to move here. They're even looking at apartments in my building. This is kick-ass!
Ouise, that's great! One of my good friends recently got married to a (terrific) guy from Louisville and we were shocked when they chose not to flee to the Land of Milk and Honey but instead did the other paperwork and got him settled up here. We didn't lose her, we gained him. It was a real treat.
When is her fiance finished school?
This spring!
Louisville, John Sweden? That's crazy - her fella is from Kentucky, too.
Louisville, John Sweden? That's crazy - her fella is from Kentucky, too.
Woohoo! The reverse migration has begun. Next thing you know, we'll be getting our comedians back!
t not holding breath
You want Alan Thicke back?
You keep Alan Thicke, and We'll take Nathan Fillion back. After the firefly movie, of course.
'Ouise I saw Joanne in the mall a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't figure out why she was so familiar to me until later. If she saw me, I wasn't ignoring, just clueless.
You want Alan Thicke back?
Sure, he can become mayor of Kirkland Lake as was his natural destiny, before the whole bright lights thing seduced him away.
Didn't Alan Thicke already come back?