Wesley: Hey. Hey, Gunn. Is something weird going on? … Charles, you just peed on my shoes. Gunn: I'll be damned. That's weird.

'Life of the Party'

Atlantic Canadian Monday Madness  

[NAFDA] We used to get Buffy the day before everyone else, now we get Angel a week after everyone else. And Firefly every Monday!

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Sue - Oct 15, 2003 2:32:29 pm PDT #1 of 6793
hip deep in pie

Greetings from Mexico!!!!

It´s beautiful, hot, and all-inclusive here....

Work next week is going o be a bitch!

Hope all are well

Sue - Sep 17, 2002 7:39:29 pm PDT #2 of 6793
hip deep in pie

Hellooooooooooo? Are we moving in?

Elena - Sep 17, 2002 8:33:21 pm PDT #3 of 6793
Thanks for all the fish.


So, what's the what?

Buffy is Monday, Sept 23th, 8pm on Global, yes?

And then Angel is directly after it? At 9pm? But it's not the premiere this week?

And when and where is Firefly? Friday? Time? Channel?

This post has been brought to you by the letter W and the question mark.

Megan E. - Sep 18, 2002 4:20:09 am PDT #4 of 6793

Buffy is Monday, Sept 23th, 8pm on Global, yes?

It's on ASN (channel 7) actually.

And then Angel is directly after it? At 9pm? But it's not the premiere this week?

Correct. It premieres on October 6th in the US, so we'll get it on the 7th.

Firefly is on Fox (channel 36) and it premieres this Friday at 9:00.

I watched Fastlane last night and it sucked. Totally sucked. I did, however, enjoy the uncensored Osbournes. We heard the word fuck every 20-30 seconds. I laughed at the end of the second episode when the Labatt Blue commercial Said "So much can happen out of the BLEEP Blue". That bleep seemed totally silly considering the language we'd just been listening too.

Megan E. - Sep 18, 2002 4:21:24 am PDT #5 of 6793

Oh, and I logged in this morning to see over 600 posts of natter here and hundreds more in the old WX forum. I'll be majorly skipping today.

Ouise - Sep 18, 2002 6:26:44 am PDT #6 of 6793
Socks are a running theme throughout the series. They are used as symbols of freedom, redemption and love.

Wow, I can't believe how much nattering there has been. I was sleepy so I went to bed before the official opening. Looks like I'll have plenty of weekend reading!

I'm going to be spending the weekend at my mother's house, since she's going on a visit to Montreal. The original plan was to be there to make everything normal for my little sister, but now she's going to be gone for almost the whole weekend (she's auditioning for the NS Youth Wind Ensemble). SO I'll be keeping the dogs company. It seems particularly silly when you consider that my twenty-six year old brother also lives there, but whatever. I'm really going because my mother is nervous about the trip and it helps her feel calmer. I hope Joe isn't offended, though.

Sue - Sep 18, 2002 6:31:52 am PDT #7 of 6793
hip deep in pie

'Ouise, when I was 16 and my parents would leave me and my 20-something siblings at home, guess who was in charge? That's right, they left the grocery money and the bill money and all the instructions with me. Parents are a strange lot.

Of course, when my parents were away, my brother used to pay me to do his laundry, and my sister was never home.

Megan E. - Sep 18, 2002 6:33:04 am PDT #8 of 6793

I hope Joe isn't offended, though.

He'll probably enjoy your company.

Megan E. - Sep 18, 2002 6:36:26 am PDT #9 of 6793

Why am I so excited about Buffy and Angel being back to back on Monday night? Why!?

Ouise - Sep 18, 2002 11:19:36 am PDT #10 of 6793
Socks are a running theme throughout the series. They are used as symbols of freedom, redemption and love.

I'm kind of excited about it, too. Maybe because that's the way it was for the Americans in the beginning, so it's like we have it "right" now. I dunno.

Susan, how odd! Since I'm the oldest, it does make a kind of sense to want me to stay over. Were you that much more responsible than them? Ah, parents ...

edit: still trying to fix this. Ack!

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