I like Niagara Falls, Ontario. A fantastic place for you to go.
Snerk.... I grew up 15 minutes from there. We would drive up and down Lundy's Lane and Clifton Hill when we were bored. A lot of friends worked in the cheesey tourist traps.
One friend funded a beautiful stereo system with the US money he bilked from the shop - they gave 15% exchange at the time, but the bank rate was something like 25-30%, so his manager and he would take about half the US cash out of the till each day, make the exchange out of his pocket, go to the bank around the corner and made 10-15 cents per dollar. And each day, they were making between $2000 and $5000 US.
Rafmun, I'm reposting your bit from Press here, since discussion doesn't go in there:
I understand that some find my posting of daily starts problematic,
I like the announcements. They help me find the right place to go, even if I don't vote much, I enjoy reading the quotes and seeming the comments.
But I'm confused - what possible legitimate problem could there be?
I understand some folks might not be interested in the death matches, but sheesh, aren't there always going to be some posts that aren't of interest or relevance to someone?
I might not be in on some of the inside-joke posts I see, or the medical updates or baby/family related posts, but I'm not gonna request they cease because I have no expectation that the board be melded only to my wants and interests. I haven't read back, so maybe there are technical reasons why these announcements ought to be curtailed, but otherwise, if the death-match announcements help some people keep up and save them time, ya'd think that would be enough to make 'em worth while.
My dime says keep 'em up.
Rafmun, what did you post in Press? Natter and comments get deleted, you know. Or you know now.
And ita answers it for me.
Don't worry about it too much, Raf. The matches will be done soon and my headache will be gone shortly thereafter.
Don't worry about it too much, Raf. The matches will be done soon and my headache will be gone shortly thereafter.
Not worried about it at all. Just dislike seeing memes rain on things.
It strikes me as odd that a useful and entertaining service offered freely by a selfless volunteer that contributes positive content to the board has to be 'compromised' b/c one or two folks can't or won't be just a wee little bit tollerant/accepting/understanding of something outside their own interest-bubble.
Seen too many of the selfless folks on good boards be gradually frustrated into diminished participation on account of things like this to not say something is all.
Well, I don't really understand it either. But, you know, I have to believe that it does genuinely bother them.
Seen too many of the selfless folks on board be gradually frustrated into diminished participation on account of things like this to not say something is all.
I appreciate the effort. Though I'm afraid it doesn't diminish the frustration.
I have to believe that it does genuinely bother them.
A good and wise perspective - benefit of the doubt is certainly a good thing. However, tolerance
is another. And I lean toward the latter.
Hmm - how to 'splain better? Well, when I was a DJ, I would play nearly any request if I could, but when people came up and said "Please don't play" a certain annoying/overpopular song, I'd ignore them and play the damn song - even if I didn't like it - as long as I knew that the song was going to make a lot of people on the dance floor happy. In my mind, the negative-request folks were just being selfish, having no good reason to not want to hear a song other than they didn't like it.
My question was always - what makes them so special as to warrant denying fun to others?
That's how I see this situation.
Rafmun, I'm reposting your bit from Press here, since discussion doesn't go in there:
Thanks ita - my bad. Still learning the ropes (next class: The personal noose) ;)
I always look at it more as 'is it fun, does it hurt anyone' - and if it's fun for some without hurting anyone, then it's okay. That's why I've always been so spoiler leery.
Reminds me of that great KITH skit "I suggest that we replace all wheelchair ramps with large bumps. It's not that I'm anti-handicapped, it's just that I'm tired of waiting in line on a slant.".