Yeah, I guess, since it included making her a vampire.
I'm not including that. I'm talking about killing her entire family, impersonating a priest in order to convince her that she was evil, driving her mad.
Which Spike did to his own mother, something even Angelus didn't do.
No, but he did kill his entire family.
Which is worse, the mass-murderer who kills ten thousand people and tortures one girl or the the mass-murderer who kills ten thousand people?
The first, in my book. Though neither of them are up for sainthood. Unless they did said torture and slaughter in the name of The Church.
The bear? Not so self-aware.
Right. So you why would you hate it?
As for vampires, people are food for them.
As for Spike, I've maintained for ages that there is no way he should have made it through season 5 undusted. That being said, his character, up until he got a soul, was a very interesting exercise in evil and good and all the steps in between.
I'm not including that. I'm talking about killing her entire family, impersonating a priest in order to convince her that she was evil, driving her mad.
See, that? Not as evil as making her a vampire in my book (which comes with free murder attached.), except for the killing the whole family, which is more of the mass-murder is bad theme.
The first, in my book.
The same, in my book. Once you've killed more than a couple of people, you're pretty much in the "must be permanently removed from society" category, and as vampires aren't subject to human justice, that pretty much means dustage.
So you why would you hate it?
I didn't say I hate the bear, I asked which man-eating tiger I should hate more. I did imply that I sympathized with the hiker and I do.
As for vampires, people are food for them.
I'm afraid I don't accept the Entity Relativism of that statement. We are the food. Vampires aren't bears or sharks. They are self-aware, thus the whole demons, damned, etc. They know they are performing evil acts and they revel in it. The humahhns are on my side, I am on theirs. The vampires are by definition the bad guys and they like it. This makes them not okay.
I've maintained for ages that there is no way he should have made it through season 5 undusted.
He doesn't make it to Season 5 if I get to script the Scoobies. :)
his character, up until he got a soul, was a very interesting exercise in evil and good and all the steps in between
I didn't go along on the voyage of the Shades of Grey Treader, but now we get into the old old chip is not a soul territory and that is soo Season Six, doh I said Season Six, ack! I said it again! Must scrub brain twice now!
Went to see
Mystic River
last night. Meh. *shrug*
Maybe I would have liked it more if I hadn't read the book 4 months ago and knew the entire plot, though Brent figured it out about 30 minutes in and sighed throughout the entire film. Tim Robbins was much better acting-wise than Sean Penn. In a nutshell, I'm not sure what all the hype is about.
To get on topic for a second, I'm not a fan of peanut butter cookies. Actively dislike them. I like peanut butter, I just don't think it is dessert.
I was saying something simialr to this to megan yesterday.
I'd rather just eat peanuts, though I do like PB cookies. I don't think I've made them since I was a kid though.
I'm kind of bored today. Where are you guys? Entertain meeeeeee!
t /whine
I'm tap-damcing in my office right now!!!
I just cleaned my desk and bookshelf. Maybe I will do my shredding now.
I just put a whole bunch of stuff from my desk/shelf in the filing pile. The woman who does the filing and another secretary just had this conversation:
Filing Woman: Where did all this come from?
Secretary: Megan's office
FW: What am I supposed to do with it?
S: File it!
FW: Under what?
S: I don't know!