Went to see
Mystic River
last night. Meh. *shrug*
Maybe I would have liked it more if I hadn't read the book 4 months ago and knew the entire plot, though Brent figured it out about 30 minutes in and sighed throughout the entire film. Tim Robbins was much better acting-wise than Sean Penn. In a nutshell, I'm not sure what all the hype is about.
To get on topic for a second, I'm not a fan of peanut butter cookies. Actively dislike them. I like peanut butter, I just don't think it is dessert.
I was saying something simialr to this to megan yesterday.
I'd rather just eat peanuts, though I do like PB cookies. I don't think I've made them since I was a kid though.
I'm kind of bored today. Where are you guys? Entertain meeeeeee!
t /whine
I'm tap-damcing in my office right now!!!
I just cleaned my desk and bookshelf. Maybe I will do my shredding now.
I just put a whole bunch of stuff from my desk/shelf in the filing pile. The woman who does the filing and another secretary just had this conversation:
Filing Woman: Where did all this come from?
Secretary: Megan's office
FW: What am I supposed to do with it?
S: File it!
FW: Under what?
S: I don't know!
Gee, Megan you are talented. It must be very hard to type while steepling your fingers and going 'Moo Hoo Hah Haaaa...'