The new $1 coins were gold and a slightly different shape and weight than quarters.
However people tended to hoard the dollar coins rather than use them because the bills were still in circulation. It was doomed to fail because given a choice the public will go with what they know rather than strange things. Plus some people weren't too happy that Scajawea got on the one dollar coin.
Huh. So it was racial?
And, yeah, when you get rid of $1 and $2 bills the coins get used.
You don't even have $2 bills, though, do you?
Our coins have the Queen (god save her) and lovely animals! Our $5 bill has kids playing hockey on it.
And, you know, didn't you have $1 Susan B Anthony coins? I recall there was an uproar about that, too.
The new $1 coins were gold and a slightly different shape and weight than quarters.
Except in Michigan, where the dollar coins are the Susan Something Anthonys. Or something. I don't think those are gold-coloured, but they're easy enough to tell from a quarter just with your fingertips.
We have both kinds of dollar coins in our public transportation ticket vending machines.
And Sir Wilfred Laurier, don't forget that.
How could I forget Wilfrid Laurier! My husband went to his university.
You ever see a $1000 dollar bill? The Queen, and it's gray and pink. Oddly unattractive, given it's value.
The original $1 were Susan B. Anthonys which were almost exactly like quarters.
The new $1 were Scajaewas and it was kind of...well we had a woman last time kind of thing. I'm not sure.
I think you get $1 at Post Office stamp vending machines.
There are $2 bills but I don't think they are printed any more but I'm not sure. I know it's very rare that any show up in stores. People hoarded those as well.
I have or had a few I think I finally spent them when I was really really broke and wanted something. I'm not sure what's on the front but the signing of the Declaration of Independece is on the back.