Not to mention not liking our funny coin money.
That part bugs me. In the highway food=gas stop at charming (and by that I mean hellish) Angola, NY, a service person once told me to refrain from even thinking about giving her some of our crappy coins in payment. I was offended on about 3 levels at once since I was intending on paying in the monotone crappy currency, I like our coins, and I hated the lousy service there anyway.
So true. Who would go to another country and expect to pay in their own currency?
Oh, wait...
And I love the coins. I just hate 'loonie' and 'twonie'.
I ditched most of them, so I only have 8 or 10 left. And we have a few cushions to stave off ass wafflage.
That part bugs me. In the highway food=gas stop at charming (and by that I mean hellish) Angola, NY, a service person once told me to refrain from even thinking about giving her some of our crappy coins in payment. I was offended on about 3 levels at once since I was intending on paying in the monotone crappy currency, I like our coins, and I hated the lousy service there anyway.
I'm betting that this person is of the same ilk as those who'd not only pay with the drab money up here (which I had no problem with even when I workded retail) but also deems arguing about getting their change in said drabness more important than the twenty people waiting behind them. Now where did I put that gun...
I love the coins too. It makes it super easy to save money when you don't spend any two dollar coins.
I wonder if Americans expect to get american currency when they travel in Australia and Europe, or if it's just strictly a thing they do in Canada.
(Not that they all do this - I shouldn't generalize so much)
I hate our drab money and I wish the $1 coins had worked out. Except the government didn't just say "okay, we're going with $1 coins and we aren't going to circulate any more bills so get used to it."
I kept hearing people bitch "where will they go in register tills" um, yeah there's already an extra little slot for coins. And "I don't want to carry around so many coins, it will be heavy." Like someone is going to end up carrying around $15 in $1 coins, you spend them or change them or whatever. One dollar bills accumlulate. Seriously I figured out the other day I had $20 in ones. I'm not even sure how I got that many except someone paid me in ones instead of fives and then I kept some instead of spending them.
I'm dreading people's reaction to the new $20 bills that are going into circulation later this year, they are vaguely peach colored. Americans get so freaked out about inconsequential things.
Coloured money is fun! You gonna like!
Coloured money is very fun. And so are fancy coins. The problem with your dollar coins is that they looked much like your quarters, no? Try making them gold.
I'm looking forward to the $5 coins. They can't get here fast enough for me.
The fellow Americans I travelled with in the UK didn't except to get American currency, they were quite taken with the pound coins, which have different mottos and such around the rims. It was a thing to try and collect all the coins.
I think this was the only time they didn't act like stereotypical ugly Americans. I'd like to note that these were adults mostly in their mid 50s to late 60s. Seriously most of them had no manners and excepted England and Scotland to be just like America and were totally shocked and upset when it wasn't.