I dunno. I never used to understand why people picked at the small to medium sized nits that are in almost every episode. Now I find I'm a picker. The whole Giles thread was just a nyah-nyah to people who pay too much attention to the show, like, oh, us. It seems unavoidable now that Andrew is the comic-relief echo of Spike, which I suppose we should have seen when he first showed up in that duster. (Where *is* Spike's coat, btw? Please don't let it turn up as a Crucial Plot Point re Principal McHottie...) Shouldn't Willow et al only have been hearing Andrew? And so on.
What Megan Said. I'm ready to get ON with it already.
Tangential note: Does it seem like Spike mostly gets his butt kicked in fights? Has that always been true?
Spike left the duster in Buffy's house when he fled during
Seeing Red. There has been some speculation that Xander has it.
Hey! Sue! Before you go to bed: It's Jonathan. Not Johnathan. Not Jonathon. And certainly not Johnathon. jesusmaryandjoseph isweartogod people get that name wrong more than any other
You know what Jon? I thought it was wrong. (I was positive the John at the beginning was anyway.) But I'm never sure. I went to theatre school with someonewho spelled it idiosyncratically, and now I'm always confused. WHOOPS! Sorry Jon.
Very nice ep. Good mix of light and dark, and YAY! Jonathan!
Ehhhhh, Spuffy. I know it's only still around because JM is more enthusiastic about his character than any of the other regulars, but ehhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am so over him. He's not even sexy anymore, he's just irritating.
Did it look to anyone else like SMG has had her lips done again?
Nope. Didn't look like a lip do.
I loved both Willow and McHottie laughing when Buffy suggested that she was good at counselling.
Yes! I did a lot of laughing at that. And at a lot of the episode. And mmm... Wood.
I was spoiled for Nikki being his mom (being as I'm spoiled for EVERYTHING), and HATED the idea, but I like the way it played out.
IMDB says Nikki's the same actress
Nope, that's definitely a different actress. There was something about it on SpoilerSlayer.com awhile back.
FFL Nikki was played by a stunt womam. S7 Nikki is played by some model/actress.
I really like the Hottie/Nikki plot, but Spuffy is more smelly and tired than B/A were by the end of S3, and that's sayin a lot. Not a spoiler: If Buffy has to fight with or kill Hottie to save poor Spike from him I will puke.
I love the Principal McHottie backstory but I also guessed right away that Nikki was his mom.
I knew it the minute he said his mom was a slayer. It fits very well, because I always thought that Nikki was a bit older than Buffy, like mid- to late-twenties. Certainly the actress who played her in FFL was older
Tangential note: Does it seem like Spike mostly gets his butt kicked in fights? Has that always been true?
Even Joyce managed to kick Spike's ass.
I liked it. As Elena said, it was funny.