I think I snorted and rolled my eyes.
I love Danny Strong. Love him.
They seem to be having Willow use magic pretty casually again. I mean, yes, Xander in great peril, but during OAFA Richard was slowly bleeding to death and Willow did nothing to help.
Sue, go. I bought two long sleeved tee shirts and 4 cotton blouses. I need to own many cotton blouses because I will never, ever, never iron them.
Sigh. Okay, I must disappear from the internet now. For I have work to do and day old laundry to fold!
Bye Sue.
t waves
Okay, let's talk about Sue.
And here I actually enjoyed tonight's episode. I think you sit in the corner alone....
Dear God. Not only am I convinced that Giles still really isn't Giles, now I'm convinced that Elena isn't really Elena. (:
Actually, I liked it to. But I'm convinced that "Giles" was lying at the beginning. Also convinced that Buffy and Spike make really, really good best friends and should never be romantically involved, ever again. (I mean, c'mon! McHottie, is, well, a hottie!
Also, Thess and I have now watched it twice, and we've come to a conclusion as to why Giles is bugging us. We think he's Ethan Rayne in disguise.
More on this theory later. We're going to go watch early Ethan eps.
I liked that he was making up the instinct stuff. But, you know, we never heard the squeaky shoes.
Ethan Rayne in disguise.
Oh, my. That's the coolest Giles theory yet.
Oh, my. That's the coolest Giles theory yet.
We're near being able to substantiate the theory with wild ass speculation. Need to watch DA or Halloween first, though. Ooooh. DVD, how I love ya.
Okay, let's talk about Sue.
Okay, my multimedia assignment is not due until Thursday. Breathe. Nervous breakdown is at bay for now. I just realized it's a far more detailed assignement than I first thought. And I have a little presentation to prepare for Wednesday too.
Now, I'm off to read more about Archival sampling. I should be aslepp in no time.
I love the Principal McHottie backstory but I also guessed right away that Nikki was his mom.
In Fool For Love, Nikki was played by April Weeden-Washington. I just rewatched the credits and didn't see that name.
Bidet of Evil made me laugh. I was just discussing bidets the other day.