It could be.
Buffy 4: Grr. Arrgh.
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
MI5 is coming back? yeow. (off to check to see if it is still on my Tivo "find this" list.)
I've got a season pass on the TiVo. i wait anxiously.
I had gone thru a purge of BBC programs, because I thought they were all gone. MI5 was not there. Is now. (Wish lists reign)
Agree with the jossing of Forever thing, BUT just have to say this:
I think Buffy would bring back Tara, but not JUST for Willow's sake - she had gotten close to Tara as a friend and confidante - kind of like the anti-Faith (someone whom she never had to fear would judge her or try to use things against her). Also agree if it was an AU-type wish that meant Tara never died at all, that's different than yanking her out of Heav-en.
arby, that's very possible. And that can lead to a lengthy exploration of the consequences.
Because if Tara doesn't die, we don't see Dark!Willow. Warren isn't flayed (query whether he'd be in prison, escaped, or dead in some other way). Andrew and Jonathan stay in prison. Probably no Giles appearance at the end of S6. Andrew (probably) doesn't stab Jonathan under the school -- no Ubervamp? And Andrew probably not captured by the Scoobs -- who keeps the house running after the Potentials show up?
And who knows what Tara might have done against the First?
I still can't wrap my head around Buffy choosing to undo Tara's death rather than Joyce's. Glad that the issue never made it to screen.
Agreeing with Matt on the Joyce thing, but...
I think a much more likely wish Tara-related would be "I wish Tara was alive with no memory of where she's been since her death."
Doesn't make Tara have to sleep with a vampire to feel alive, (remember how happy Joan the Vampire Slayer was? The pain requires the memory) and also doesn't A.U.ify and open up that whole can of wyrms.
In a theoretical sense, the whole "Still removed her from heaven, where she totally deserved to be" thing still applies, but since Buffy had decided that she was actually glad she was alive again, despite the whole shitty-ass pain of season 6, she'd probably be willing to do it as long as Tara didn't have to suffer the same way she did.
I think a much more likely wish Tara-related would be "I wish Tara was alive with no memory of where she's been since her death."
So yet another brain wipe for poor Tara?
I'm not saying it's a very ethical idea, Cindy. Or even a good one. It just makes more sense as a wish.
Though, you know, brain wipe probably not so much. Since I'm assuming her brain got all buried and stuff. Heh.