I don't think it's that more women die, it's that more of the women are important, and their deaths have more impact on the audience and the other characters. So we remember them. And I agree with NovaChild that there are fewer men whose deaths would have had that same impact. The men are often cannon fodder. Or get killed by Buffy.
Yes, this.
do those numbers change when you don't count villians?
How do you count that, tho? How about Jonathon? Or Ben?
I would count it by last known activity. Ben=bad guy. Jonathan=not bad guy. I figure it would vary, but, on the whole, with additions and subtractions based on personal preference, probably balance out. More or less.
I agree. Categorizing them as what they were when they died is all that makes sense. I mean, we all start out good, or at least assumed to be good, at birth. We accept switching, when someone turns bad, so I think we have to accept it, when someone turns good, even if it the turn only actualizes minutes before death. Jonathan wanted to help when he died, right? I haven't done much rewatching of S7, but remember noble!pre-death!speech on the hellmouth seal.
Or, have a grey-hat category.
In my plan, they're hatless.
Heh. See, at first I thought "This is the kind of obsessive thing I do that makes people back away from me slowly," and then I remembered where I was and knew it would be okay.
Yeah. Here? We're liable to send you a tiara, Strega.
Gunn's not dead. Gunn's dying, but he's not dead.
Yes. This is canon. And well, people think he's dying, and Illyria thinks he's dying. Illyria also used to listen to plants. Look! A pyramid!
I did start marking good/evil (although as noted, that got tricky) and my vague impression was that it didn't skew things too much. But I'm not sure how thorough I was in sorting by different criteria.
Hatlessness aside, I think "iffy" can be a category. I wouldn't count human (BtVS) Harmony as a villain. She was just conceited and snobby. I think the only ones who get put in the villain pile are the killer characters, and/or the characters who wanted to be killers/criminals/doers of other evil. I don't think being mean makes a character a villain. Similarly, had all three nerds died at the end of S6, I'd have put them in my villain pile. It would have hurt to put Jonathan there. But I would have. I'm very strict.