And let's all remember to take a moment.
Okay that made me teary. Also, buying the fixings for my last ever Buffy night special potato at the Fresh Fields last night I got all verklempt. I have a special potato for this show! Oh I'll make it again (maybe it will become Special Angel Potato!) but it won't be the same.
(for potato lovers: I bake it, scoop the insides, mix with blue cheese, mayo, dry mustard, paprika, S & P, put sliced tomatoes on top, and sprinkle it with shredded parm or other sharp, dry Italian cheese. Then pop it back in oven to get bubbly. sniff. it's a beautiful thing. like Buffy.)
Wonder if there is anything in the filk archives?
Did anyone mention that we Canadians had a Buffy marathon on Space yesterday to warm us up for the big event? They showed the top 10 viewer voted episodes from 9 AM to 7pm, ending just as the finale began. It was like Buffy nirvana.
Except for having to sit through OMWF again.
Did anyone mention that we Canadians had a Buffy marathon on Space yesterday to warm us up for the big event?
I was IMing with a Canadian friend of mine, home from work on Victoria Day. It was kind of cool getting little bits of the show, reminders, funny lines.
Although - "Family" was #3? You Canadians are crazy.
Sue, what were the other favorites? Anything that would make this board (generally) sit up and say, "Huh?"
(Edit to respond to xpost -- Other than "Family," that is.)
Madrigal - Your suggestion of adapting Danny Boy is highly appropriate. Been singing to myself te past few minutes. Methinks I have stumbled upon some therapy.
I have a stomache ache and I can't tell if it's from the Spaghetti-O's I ate (don't ask - random craving) or if it's because I'm freaking out and my body knows, but my mind hasn't realized it yet.
"But now I am moving to California, and Buffy is ending, and I will have no more Tuesdays with Smonster. A time is drawing to a close. In a
way, tonights Buffy finale is a finale for a part of my life. "
Samantha, I SO get how you feel! And where are you moving to in California? I'm in LA - Venice Beach. One of my friends might start showing the DVDs starting with Season 1 on Tuesdays, which will help with the sense of loss. I haven't seen all the seasons, I think I started watching during the next to last season on the WB. But I did a lot of catching up on FX when I had it.
"It seems fitting that I finally had my first dream with characters from the show last Sunday night. "
Right on! I went to bed last night and thought really hard about the characters to see if I would dream of them, but no luck. I dream in Buffy whenever my mind wants to, not when I choose to.
I've been thinking "Danny Boy" because Darla sang it to Lorne when she was pregnant, and I thought Angel ought to have considered naming the boy Daniel in honor of the song, and as a way of appeasing Holtz - a gesture that might have made him reconsider the whole kidnapping thing.
Although - "Family" was #3? You Canadians are crazy.
I was WTF? about that too.
This was the list, I'd agree with half of them, I guess.
Viewer's Choice #10
Tabula Rasa - Season 6
(Originally Aired November 13, 2001)
Viewer's Choice #9
Becoming - Part 1 - Season 2
(Originally Aired May 12, 1998)
Viewer's Choice #8
Becoming - Part 2 - Season 2
(Originally Aired May 19, 1998)
Viewer's Choice #7
The Body - Season 5
(Originally Aired February 27, 2001)
Viewer's Choice #6
Graduation Day - Part 1 - Season 3
(Originally Aired May 18, 1999)
Viewer's Choice #5
Graduation Day - Part 2 - Season 3
(Originally Aired June 13, 1999)
Viewer's Choice #4
The Gift - Season 5
(Originally Aired May 22, 2001)
Viewer's Choice #3
Family - Season 5
(Originally Aired November 7, 2000)
Viewer's Choice #2
Hush - Season 4
(Originally Aired December 14, 1999)
Viewer's Choice #1
Once More, With Feeling - Season 6
(Originally Aired November 6, 2001)