From close-up press pics, they appear to be grey-green hazel, leaning more towards green. (IOW, about the same as my own eyes). I never noticed them looking brown in S7, but there were times where they looked more grey than green, depending on wardrobe.
I don't remember them looking brown either d--but perhaps they had them dark/black when she was the FE at some point. I disremember. S7 is the one season I haven't rewatched obsessively. The lighting on both A:ts and BtVS can be really poor, so if her eyes were never darkened to play the FE, my instinct is to blame the lighting. My eyes are the same blue/green/hazel, but from pictures, I think they're darker than either Plei's or SMG's. I'm pretty sure that SMG has the kind of golden ring in the iris, very near the pupil, that I have.
t does the dance of having S6 DVDs
t does the less-graceful dance of too-lazy-to-even-open-them-last-night
S6 Extras Oooh, gag reel. Nifty. I haven't seen one of those since S2.
Season 2 had a gag reel? Where?? Was it hidden?
There is a "Behind the Scenes of the Musical Episode" that has lots of footage of things like people recording their songs.
Yes, sumi, but where?
t she wails longingly
Sorry -- if you go to disc 2 - to OMWF -- it's under Special Features.
(There is also a commentary on the episode from Joss and a special bit where they take 3 of the songs and have them with lyrics captioned underneath the scenes.)
Well, I wasn't plannining on buying the Buffy DVDs ... but I hear you can rent them ...
Season 2 had a gag reel? Where?? Was it hidden?
Sorry, Frank (may I call you Frank?) I should have been more specific. I've seen a video of the season 2 gag reel, (I don't own it) and I don't believe it's on the DVDs which is too bad because it's funny as hell.
My S6 DVDs still aren't here! /still whining
Sorry, Frank (may I call you Frank?) I should have been more specific. I've seen a video of the season 2 gag reel, (I don't own it) and I don't believe it's on the DVDs which is too bad because it's funny as hell.
Ah, that's ok. And yes, it's Frank (been transitioning from a psued to my real). I think that must have been the thing making the rounds with the original pilot once upon a time.
Okay, you've talked me into it. I'm off to watch OMWF. I'm p.o.ed at my roomie and this will cheer me up. Really. It will. Hey, it ends with a kiss! That's cheerful.