Season 2 had a gag reel? Where?? Was it hidden?
Sorry, Frank (may I call you Frank?) I should have been more specific. I've seen a video of the season 2 gag reel, (I don't own it) and I don't believe it's on the DVDs which is too bad because it's funny as hell.
My S6 DVDs still aren't here! /still whining
Sorry, Frank (may I call you Frank?) I should have been more specific. I've seen a video of the season 2 gag reel, (I don't own it) and I don't believe it's on the DVDs which is too bad because it's funny as hell.
Ah, that's ok. And yes, it's Frank (been transitioning from a psued to my real). I think that must have been the thing making the rounds with the original pilot once upon a time.
Okay, you've talked me into it. I'm off to watch OMWF. I'm p.o.ed at my roomie and this will cheer me up. Really. It will. Hey, it ends with a kiss! That's cheerful.
"the curtains close on a kiss, God knows..."
I love the meta of that lyric.
Okay, I have watched the fist 2 minutes of my OMWF DVD and I love it. I've never seen this first part before since I missed if the very first time.
This is starting to make up for my very terrible horrible no-good day.
ETA: For example, I'd always wondered when Tara put on the herb thing that Willow used to make her forget.
Yeah, I haven't gotten my Season 6 discs yet, either. So, grrrrrrr!
And, I feel like a failure, because I haven't watched all 5 previous seasons this month like I intended. Not to mention the 3 seasons of Angel . . . . Curse me for having a life! Aarrgghh!
Wow. I feel very privileged that my dvds came so quickly.
Back from the Dead and Straight into Hell.
I love the Buffy season 6 dvd ads.
Here's a question: When was the last time we saw Drusilla? Not in flashbacks, or hallucinations, but for real and in the "current" timeframe. Was it Crush?
Was it Crush?
That's what I was thinking the other day. I think it was