Thing is, I thought Buffy's struggle in S6 was entertaining. Besides...flaying? C'mon, how entertaining is that? So much fun and what other show was going to give us a good flaying.
What does the one have to do with the other?
Buffy Depressed = Boring, to me.
Flaying = Finally! The fun's started!
Can there be flaying?
No, but there can be uncomfortable itching, and redness.
What does the one have to do with the other?
Overall Season six entertainment value.
Buffy Depressed = Boring, to me.
But she had a lot of kinky sex too. And singing. And amusing memory loss.
Flaying = Finally! The fun's started!
Admittedly the end run of episodes was my favorite part. (All about Willow.)
Flaying, singing, incompetent but evil villains--that's entertainment.
Mental health issues--not so much.
Admittedly the end run of episodes was my favorite part. (All about Willow.)
Yeah, the two-part season finale blew me away. I'm interested to see how it'll stand up on the re-watch.
And amusing memory loss.
"A vampire with a soul? Oh my God. How lame is that?"
I wanted her to say something funny while chopping a demon's head off. Because I AM shallow that way, I will readily admit.
Oh, I wanted that too. And I found S6 compelling, but also a bit uncomfortable because it reminded me of times I left behind.
Oh, and "I'd like to test that theory."
Makes up for a lot.
Oh, and "I'd like to test that theory."
Makes up for a lot.
Hoo boy. I think I got up and cheered, or something.
I just watched "Dead Things," and while I have a little more to say than this, it's almost time for Tru Calling, so I'll just say this: the Buffy/Tara scene at the end is awesome. I love how she wants to have come back wrong so she can understand why she could possibly have ended up in this relationship with Spike. It's a very real feeling, and that's the kind of thing I like about these shows, the way they take supernatural events and use them to elicit actual human emotions. I was on the verge of being on the verge of tearing up, which is saying a lot for me.
Also, I was never a big Tara fan, but I'm beginning to like her because there's so little to dislike about her, compared to the other characters.
The random sheep at the Bronze in "Smashed" and the premise of "Older and Far Away" have me convinced that Drew Z. Greenberg is a fan of Buñuel's The Exterminating Angel.
Also, Christ is Dawn annoying.
(So Cecily and Halfrek have some kind of connection? ;-})
Cecily-Halfrek is one of the great unanswereds. Halfrek apparently recognized Spike at Buffy's birthday party, but I don't believe anything was ever followed up. I don't remember what the official statement is on the connection, if any.