There are really large bits in the middle that have nothing to do with whatsisname.
I'd have to look at episode recaps to be sure (because my TV-show recall is much less when I do not have spicy-brained analysis to read), but I wouldn't say there are large bits. Episodes that don't focus on it, certainly, but that's different. At a minimum, it (and the related Piper/Leo drama) are the most important storyline of the season.
Part of what's going on is that the writers seem to have changed their minds as to the character's identity a couple of times, probably due to HMC's pregnancy. They did a better job with it than I would have expected, but the seams still show in places.
there's a lot of wacky misunderstanding and girls gone bad spell mishaps in between developments.
Yeah, fair enough.
Maybe it's more accurate to say that it's a mediocre show with one very compelling storyline and some excellent performances at the moment than to say it's good. But it does have much pretty.
Yeah, but that's good in my book, because I think it's kind of the point. Plus, the self-loathing was there beforehand and led to the sex which led to more self-loathing which led to...well, you know.
Oh, I know. What I meant was that I don't support it. I'm not all BffyNSpke4eva! I do find it interesting and realistic in the sense that I know these relationships happen, but I just don't like to watch it happen. Wesley and Lilah, however, I loved.
And, I love the dead-eyed Buffy dumpster sex.
I just watched "Doublemeat Palace." Yeah. Yeesh. Her eyes. So sad.
Her haircut is adorable, though.
I have this theory, and I may be off-base here, but that people who have been or have people very close to them who have been clinically depressed tend to like S6 better than those of us who haven't been through that sort of thing.
I have been and known people who have and, I believe, I *was* going through that during S6. And I didn't much like S6.
But I think that was because, in my case, it was "Criminy, I watch this show and other TV so I don't have to deal with this crap! ARGH!"
So, my reaction to Buffy was sort of (he ashamedly admits) "Get over it!" but NOT, I wish to stress, because I thought her depression or any depression wasn't valid but because I wanted her to say something funny while chopping a demon's head off. Because I AM shallow that way, I will readily admit.
Hmmm, I guess I'm the outlier on the depression-experiencing=liking
Season 6 thing, as I hated Season 6, but I'm quite aware of what clinical
depression is like.(Been there, still taking the AD). Buffy's depression may
well have been a realistic portrayal, but it wasn't interesting to me.
Buffy's depression may well have been a realistic portrayal, but it wasn't interesting to me.
Yeah, this.
"Enough already, there's ultimate evil to vanquish! Yeehaw!"
But, as I said...that's not because depression isn't valid. It's because, in my opinion, it went on too long during the season and detracted from the storytelling.
So, my reaction to Buffy was sort of (he ashamedly admits) "Get over it!" but NOT, I wish to stress, because I thought her depression or any depression wasn't valid but because I wanted her to say something funny while chopping a demon's head off. Because I AM shallow that way, I will readily admit.
I cant totally understand and appreciate this reaction. I think a good number of fans felt that way. I know my husband did.
Thing is, I thought Buffy's struggle in S6 was entertaining. Besides...flaying? C'mon, how entertaining is that? So much fun and what other show was going to give us a good flaying.
Buffy could have had runny bowel syndrome, but do we really need to watch it for half a season?
Buffy could have had runny bowel syndrome, but do we really need to watch it for half a season?