But I can't forgive Angel 3 and 4 for some of the stuff you do, even for meta reasons.
Honestly, AtS 4 hit my brain at its exact wavelength or something. I didn't see much that *needed* forgiving. (And I wrote CoCo pre-canon, so, you know, seemingly missing the squick bone.)
And S3, I forgive for reasons that are hella shallow.
S4 AtS (Best. Season. Ever.)
Plei, I share your love. It blew me the hell away. I hope it stands up on the rewatch. I saw "Habeas Corpses" again the other night, and I'd forgotten how kind of annoying all the jealous relationship stuff was.
I think S3 is my favorite Buffy season, followed very closely by S2. I really don't know where S1 goes, but S4 and S5 come before S6 and S7. I don't share the S5 hate, really. On the re-watch, I kind of saw what wasn't great about it, but I still liked it. And as people who hang out in Minearverse know, I'm a "Spiral" fan.
I'm going through S6 now, and I'm about to hit "Smashed" and "Wrecked" and "Gone," which should be delightful (actually, I don't remember minding "Gone" so much, invisibility is fun).
And S7, well...yeah. I was watching it at the same time as Angel S4, and there was no comparison.
I watched most episodes of S4 three times the week they aired.
It was gooooooooooood.
BtVS 3 (I can't think of an ep that I dislike and the Faith/Buffy arc rocked)
AtS 4 (Every. Minute of it.)
BtVS 2, AtS 2 tie (Gah. All of it - futile, sad, and lovely.)
AtS 3 (there are things in there that make me crazy (Cordelia), but overall goodness)
BtVS 1 (Shiny!)
AtS 1
BtVS 6 (word on the depression arc, but the season fell apart at the end for me)
BtVS 4
BtVS 5
BtVS 7 - (ugh. Add 100 points for Selfless. Deduct a thousand points for potential squandered)
Not putting AtS 5 in there yet, since I need to see the whole season.
If Angel S2 had stopped one episode before Pylea, I'd call it my favourite season of TV ever.
The bastards.
I agree with you, Plei. Season four of Angel was just so frickin' cohesive - start to finish - so consistent emotionally. So great. Even though I like Seasons 2 of BtVS better (because of the 2nd half), I know intellectually that AtS S4 was better. I would rank them:
AtS S4
AtS S2
AtS S1
AtS S3
AtS S5
Maybe I need to watch AtS season four again. Honestly, I didn't love it. Connor caused me physical pain at times with his badness, and Jasmine was not my favorite big bad at all. I liked the earlier guy better.
Badass Wesley was foamy, though.
Did like the Willow/Fred flirtation in that one episode an awful lot. They're clearly made for each other.
I loved the BonBon.
And I adored Jasmine.
And I need S4 on DVD, so I can wallow. Mmm.
And I need S4 on DVD, so I can wallow. Mmm.
Me too. Did you hear? SEVEN COMMENTARY TRACKS. My God.
And the S4 Overview? IS FORTY MINUTES LONG.
Come now, September. Come now, damn you!
S4 overview is that long? I can't wait!