I let out a whoop of joy when Tara got shot & I repeated it every time it was in a previously and/or flashback. There was nothing wrong with the character/storyline in theory, but in practice she sucked the life out of the show at least during S5 & S6 (& I didn't really care for her in S4 either). I was delighted when they got rid of her.
Dare you to go over to the Kitten Board and repost this.
Not even as an Easter Egg? That Previously is an essential part of that episode.
It'll be an Easter Egg on the S7 DVDs. Which makes perfect sense.
I was kind of uncomfortable identifying with Riley's big blow-up at Buffy in "Into the Woods."
I was kinda uncomfortable identifying with Faith most of the time - especially in The Zeppo.
Was anybody else really pissed that The Gift previously was nowhere to be found?
Yeah. I've never seen it - though I can't remember why I missed it when I saw the originial airing. That certainly would have been easy to include on the otherwise lame extras for S5 DVDs.
Scary-veiny Willow, trying to destroy the world.
Same here. As much as I usually hate people being mean to Buffy, this weird feeling of "Kick her ass!" surged up in me. I both identified with scary-veiny Willow
wanter her to win. For a second there, anyway.
And further proof of my latent evil tendencies is that I identified with Faith turning to the Mayor after she killed his assistant. I could totally understand the denial and not wanting to have to redeem herself to people who had never accepted her anyway.
And I identified w/Buffy through a lot of S6.
Hmm. Maybe I should worry more about me.
I cannot say that Xander continuing to end up in his basement in "Restless" has no bearing on me whatsoever.
Hmmm.... Yeah, I identified with Xander in Restless a little too much, too.
Weirdest...? Hm. Can't think of a "weirdest".
Moment that immediately leapt to mind? Xander, "The Body" and the fist in the wall.
Willow saying "Bored now." cause I've felt that. Even if I've only flayed someone in my heart, mind you.
Anyone feel like sharing "weirdest moment where I identified with a character on Buffy?"
Buffy "I have a cow on my head"
and the moment in Flooded, I think, where she is fighting monsters and is juggling vases and trying to get them to move into the kitchen where there were fewer breakables.
I was just thinking about this identifying thing in the car tonight. For the first 3 or maybe 4 seasons, the show did not necessarily seem, for me, to be about Buffy. She was the center of the universe, but I hardly identified with her at all-- nothing in her experence was ike mine. Season 6 for all the flaws, made me understand and feel Buffy.