Weirdest identification moment? Tara's insect reflection joke.
Do you now make jokes about your own insect reflection jokes? Because I do.
Oh, yes. Fortunately, chatty!co-worker laughs at *those,* because he gets that they're mocking in a meta way, even though he didn't laugh at the original insect reflection jokes.
Anya's speech about Joyce dying and fruit punch. Because I never know what to do with death.
"weirdest moment where I identified with a character on Buffy?"
From The Body:
BUFFY: Was it sudden?
TARA: What?
BUFFY: Your mother.
TARA: No. (thinks) Yes. (pauses) It's always sudden.
I was Tara and Buffy. They totally broke me. It took me right back to when my mother died in 1998. Numb and conflicted.
"weirdest moment where I identified with a character on Buffy?"
Oz pointing out that real bands know multiple chords.
Although given that I'm not much of a musician, I think I'm more Devon than Oz in that situation.
Although given that I'm not much of a musician, I think I'm more Devon than Oz in that situation.
Actually, Dingos was proably, all told, much better than my old band.
And then, later, when I worked in rock 'n' roll? I pointed this fact out ot more than one act.
Spike in OMWF, at the end of Rest In Peace: "So ... you're not staying then?"
William in FFL. Sad but true.
I think I identify most with Willow and her "callous and strange" self-identifier.