Coming in late with most annoying previously:
"Let her cross over!"
Want previously's on DVD. Very angered by the lack of them. Bad Fox. Bad. No biscuit.
ETA: Also, loved Tara. Cried when she died. Meany.
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
Coming in late with most annoying previously:
"Let her cross over!"
Want previously's on DVD. Very angered by the lack of them. Bad Fox. Bad. No biscuit.
ETA: Also, loved Tara. Cried when she died. Meany.
I missed her too.
I liked Tara. She was the only one on the show with common sense, barring her little oops in "Family."
I liked Tara. She was the only one on the show with common sense, barring her little oops in "Family."
In Season Six, she became the Giles. What I loved most about her was the way she was so kind and understanding, but never boring or self-righteous.
It'll be an Easter Egg on the S7 DVDs. Which makes perfect sense.
I just heard this from someone else today! Now I have to buy the damn S7 DVDs.
I liked Tara. She was the only one on the show with common sense, barring her little oops in "Family."
The thing that sorta bugs for me in that episode is in Act I nobody gets Tara, and by the end of Act IV they're all sticking up for her. I didn't see anything in between that would explain that. Seemed sorta asspull-y to me.
ETA: Also, loved Tara. Cried when she died. Meany.
I was sad too, but how could people not see this coming? If there is anything I've learned from a ME show is that nobody (not even us viewers) get to be happy. When Tara and Willow got back together I thought, oh dear, adios Tara.
Jeez, I'm cynical.
The thing that sorta bugs for me in that episode is in Act I nobody gets Tara, and by the end of Act IV they're all sticking up for her. I didn't see anything in between that would explain that. Seemed sorta asspull-y to me
I think it was more a guilt by association kind of thing. She was Willow's friend, so a friend of them all by default. Plus Buffy never did like a bully and that's what all of Tara's family was.
When Tara and Willow got back together I thought, oh dear, adios Tara.
You weren't alone. It had to happen.
If there is anything I've learned from a ME show is that nobody (not even us viewers) get to be happy.
See, I was still new at this. I watched Season 5 first, then Seasons 6 and 1 simultaneously, so I hadn't seen the worst of "happy == death." Therefore, the death was a shock.
A very very painful shock.
In Angel, though, when Fred and Wesley got together, I knew that was a bad sign Oh man did I ever.
(not sure that needed to be white-fonted, but it is a Buffy thread, and this is pretty recent Angel gossip. Better safe than sorry.)
Slightly weird identification moment - Oz Larry conversation. 'You've really mastered the single entendre.' I just have this whole theory about what's going on behind the deadpan, based mostly on that.
And I identify strongly with Buffy almost all the way through(up until halfway through season 6). I don't know why though, we have virtually nothing in common.
I really identified with Tara when Buffy was confiding in her about Spike, and you could see her praying to the Goddess to let her say the right thing, please let her help her friend in need. I've been there, when someone you love desparately needs your love and support and all you want to do is make it better.