So, there really was absolutely no point in even bringing up the lie at all then? In the imaginary version in my head I thought that the fact of Buffy knowing all these years and never addressing it really showed how distanced and untrusting she was with her friends. Now, I just think that it makes Buffy look like an idiot and Xander incredibly callous, that he never, even when given the opportunity years later, set things straight. Or apparently felt any guilt about it.
Sorry for all my confusion.
Aw, Maysa, don't you hate it when the story you remember is better than the story you actually saw?
And, yes, no point at all to it being brought up.
What about the praying mantis eggs in the storage cupboard in teacher's pet?
Aw, Maysa, don't you hate it when the story you remember is better than the story you actually saw?
Yeah, I didn't think it was possible for S7 to fall lower in my estimation, and yet...
Oooh, that's a good one, helentm. They really should have hatched before they got blowed up with the rest of the school.
I want to know what happened to Dawn's friend from The Body (school scenes). I liked her.
Oh! And to those two friends she made early in season 7.
And to Xander's parents. Wonder if they left town...
Thanks Elena :).
Olivia, too. I guess she just decided it was all too weird for her, but it's a shame, she was cool.
The cheerleader's mom inside the trophy.
Disappearing Hank.
I wanted to meet the Devon Witches.
Whatever happened to blinvisible assassin-in-training OoMOoS girl and her fellow classmates ...