I could add a snarky thing about the rape therefore implicit in sleeping with Tara while she was under the influence of two mind altering spells not being out of character either, but that would just demonstrate how bitter I am that no one took that spell all that seriously.
Some of us did, I can assure you of that. But I think that's not who you meant.
Oh, I'm
bothered by the rape.
What if spreading the power around to all the potentials put a full stop to the slayer line?
Someone else came up with my fanwank!! Independently, even!!
[sobs with relief]
a freak!! Yay me!
[hugs -T in gratitude]
I really need to buy all of Fray.
[hugs JoeCrow back]
Nice corner you got here :)
Oh, I'm in the camp that at least thinks it'll be a long time before the Slayer power recharges from what Willow did to it. However, considering that one Slayer has been sufficient to avert apocalypses in the past and at least keep vampires from unrestrained population explosion, I think that hundreds or thousands of them should be able to sweep the earth clean of everything less than D'Hoffryn-level monsters.
Wonder what the eye of Beljoxa has to say about that whole Slayer power transfer thing.
Maybe it's evil? It didn't tell them anything helpful, just stuff that would depress the crap out of them. And that'd explain what happened to the Slayer powers are out of whack theory, which just vanished. Maybe it wasn't real to start with.
See, my thing with the thoery that, since there are lots of Slayers now, even if we don't get more for a while, it's all good is a thing we learned in Sociology that made me write "One girl in all the world" in the margin of my notes. All that build up is to say the thing in the next paragraph.
If there are other people who can help, any individual who could help is less likely to. That is, especially after the initial "killing vampires is so nifty", I bet that Slayer participation in Slaying is going to drop off. A lot of them are going to want normal lives, and those who are willing to Slay will get burnt out.
Someone Else's Vampire?
Interesting idea. That could definitely make for problems. How much autonomy are the Slayers gonna get, now, anyway?