I always thought it was interesting that for someone who used to have a crush on Buffy, the erotic porno leadup part of his dream in "Restless" concerned every woman but.
Including Buffy's mom. Meanwhile Buffy calls him big brother. There's some icky stuff going on there, isn't there. Heh.
OTOH, I think that part of the dream means he has given up hoping for Buffy. He feels that he has been relegated to a brother warm-fuzzy companion, and in the dream it is manifested in his reaction to her calling him brother. It's his unconscious telling his conscious that is how she sees him.
I agree, Dan. Because he repeats it 'Brother... Right', which seemed to me to be acceptance.
Just to note that today is Amber Benson's birthday. Happy birthday, Tara!
Y'know, something else about OMWF. Sweet assumed that Dawn called him because she had the amulet. What if the amulet had really just been left lying around? Sweet wouldn't be able to take anyone? How would that work?
Maybe it's like the One Ring and once it gets put on, he knows where to find the person.
It's so sweet the way our little Aimee has turned into a Tolkien geek.
If anyone would like Buffy S3 tapes -- taped off of FX, when they first aired on FX (there were fewer cuts in the first airing) -- e-mail me at my profile addy, and they're yours.
So, I've been pondering the spell at the end of Chosen and how magic always has consequences and why there was only one slayer in every generation. And also wondering about when future potentials will get their powers - puberty? birth? conception? We know that when a slayer dies, anotehr won't be called any more. Where will new slayers come from?
What if new slayers don't come?
What if spreading the power around to all the potentials put a full stop to the slayer line?
It fits with what Mel is told in Fray, if that's taken as a mythologized version of the historical event. Not sure how much I should talk about that in this thread.
And just imagine the dramatic potential of the last surviving slayer some time in the future. The rest have been killed or died of natural causes and it's become clear that there aren't gonna be any more. One girl in all the world, baby.
With OMWF, my particular fanwank was that it was Willow. Much more of a character thing, plus the telepathy, she could have asked Xander to take the blame. Plus the thing that she doesn't sing.
I could add a snarky thing about the rape therefore implicit in sleeping with Tara while she was under the influence of two mind altering spells not being out of character either, but that would just demonstrate how bitter I am that no one took that spell all that seriously.